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The black room suddenly lit up as the TV screen turned on and flashed different shades of blue. I inserted the USB in the port, intrigued by Tae's words. My eyes focused on the loading sign in front of me- dying from anticipation and curiosity but at the same time I was scared of finding out something  upsetting.

It was finally done loading the material as a video popped up on the interface. I frowned, turning the volume up before pressing the play button.

"Day 53 of trying...im starting to lose hope with this stupid project" The man sighed with exhaustion; burying his face in his hands.

"(Y/N) if you're watching this it means that it worked. I made a self aware MRVN. Now that I think about it its probably too advanced...even for me."

My father's faint laugh echoed in the room, making me smile unintentionally.

"I wish you could help me...you're only nine and already so much smarter than me...maybe i should call you--"

His comment made me stare blankly at the frozen holo-video, getting a sudden wave of sadness as I remembered that day.
He did call me, it was the last time I talked to him before he disappeared.
The conversation was so pointless, not even related to his troubles with the robot. Another video popped up after some seconds. Without even thinking about it I pressed the button and fell back on the couch.
The screen remained pitch black even though the video was playing, my frown grew bigger when a minute passed and nothing happened.

"Must be somewhere here, quickly!"

Finally someone voiced out, breaking the sustained silence that somehow overwhelmed me even more.

"Alright, alright!"

A harsh burst of light beamed through the holo screen, making me squint in surprise.

"In here..."

"Grab it and let's go"

I watched the video carefully however I was still very confused at what was going on. There were two men, dressed in black but not formally, invading my fathers laboratory. One of the men walked closer to the camera and inspected it with curiosity.

"I think it's on"

"it can't be, it's been here for a while"

"No Kevin look the thing is blinking- "

Before he could finish a hand grabbed his throat, choking him mercilessly. My eyes widened when I realized it was Pathfinder. I watched as the man's eyes turned back into his skull, skin turning blue around his neck.

"Phil?"  The second guy finally appeared in the frame.His expression turning from anger to pure terror when he saw the lifeless body of his colleague. The camera started getting higher and closer to the man that was frozen in fear.

"Watching a movie?"

A warm palm landed on my shoulder, startling me. My whole body tensed up and shook in surprise.

"Elliott- you scared me..." I sighed defeated as he removed his hand from me with an apologetic look,

"Oh sorry...so what are you watching?" he then asked, clapping his hands to turn the light on.

"Why are you up?" I tried to dodge the question but it didn't seem to work.

"I asked first."

"It's- I- Crypto-"My words came out as a stutter, tongue not catching up with my mind. Elliott's expression turned sour when I said his name.

𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞¦𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now