𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤

683 28 16

The energy between the two of us was beyond off,no one dared to break the strained silence-no matter how much it bothered us.He was ready to ask me about it,I felt the tension growing.
His hand grabbed my wrist suddenly-stopping me in front of him.

"Can we talk before continuing this?"

I swallowed hardly as my anxiety rose yet again,bouncing my head in a slightly indifferent manner.He sighed before starting.

"I was avoiding you-"

"Yeah no shit"

"Yes you are right-I'm scared.I'm scared I'm bad luck.Everyone around me just seems to...be unfortunate.My family,my friends even my few relationships were ruined because of me"

"You are probably the last unfortunate thing in my life Elliott"

"I don't wanna mess this up"

"Then don't avoid me ever again"I smirked at him-linking our hands together gently,trying to get his spirits up.It seemed to work as his face lit up slightly.
I knew how he felt,I knew why he dreaded getting new people in his life-for the most selfless reason.

"Im sorry"He apologized genuinely,

"It's forgotten"

Seeing people feel guilty about something they did wasn't an enjoyable thing-especially when it's someone you care for.That's why I tried to make him feel better,it wasn't his fault after all.Almost every broken person has the urge to push away anyone that gets a little too close to them.

"Will you spare Tane too?"

"Oh absolutely-fucking-not..."

As soon as the tension in the air fell he became his usual overextroverted and talkative self.Even though this was sometimes annoying I was glad we were back to being able to at least hold a normal conversation without any awkwardness.Who would of thought communication was the key?

In the few minutes of walking he explained how he figured out that I wasn't actually working but rather "getting myself in trouble".He just checked in the workplace and there was no one there.

"And you're telling me it never occurred to you that I might not want to talk to you?"

"No that..never happened to me"he shook his head with a frown.

"Ah,of course..."

There are times when I forget that he's actually the Elliott Witt,the playboy of our era.Women seemed to always be near him-drooling over him,thinking of ways to get inside his pants.
I knew what we were building was different from that and it wasn't my naivete talking this time.

"Alright...that's it,house 428"I sighed heavily,just the thought of what could happen made me feel nervous as hell

"I get it.My presence flusteres you...but right now you need to focus on the task"

"Shut up Witt"I mumbled before taking a deep breath and moving forward to the porch of the old house.Mirage followed behind me,

As we got closer I started making out the crazy amount of protection this place had,from cameras to exposed wires on the floor-waiting to electrocute you like starving rattlesnakes.My feet stopped while I examined the house a little more,

"He looks welcoming" Elliott commented casually as he joined me in my watch.

This was odd...all this protection meant that he didn't want anyone bothering him-or being found in general.Why would his address be out in the world like that.

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