「 day 53 」

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september 7th 2019


cheesy dork uwu
you sure you're okay?

i like cheese ❤️

cheesy dork uwu

i like cheese ❤️
yes what even makes you think i'm not?

cheesy dork uwu
well you didnt sound like you when i called

i like cheese ❤️

cheesy dork uwu
do you want to talk about it?

i like cheese ❤️

i like cheese ❤️
i'm fine. do you have a pick up line on you or something?

i like cheese ❤️
i kinda need it

cheesy dork uwu
not a pick up line i wanna say i love you okay?

i like cheese ❤️
i love you too lloyd ❤️

i like cheese ❤️
thanks for coming with earlier, i appreciated it

cheesy dork uwu
it's nothing

cheesy dork uwu
i just have a question

i like cheese ❤️
what is it?

cheesy dork uwu
why were you in such a hurry to leave

i like cheese ❤️
no reason

cheesy dork uwu

i like cheese ❤️
look lloyd, i don't want to talk about it. if you're gonna ask anymore questions. i'm gonna call it a night.

cheesy dork uwu
jeez sorry i was just worried

i like cheese ❤️
i'm okay, okay? it's not that hard to understand. i'm going to sleep. good night.

cheesy dork uwu
no wait

cheesy dork uwu

cheesy dork uwu
im sorry

i like cheese ❤️
i said good night.


cheesy dork uwu
morning y/n :D


cheesy dork uwu
is something wrong?

cheesy dork uwu

cheesy dork uwu

cheesy dork uwu

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