Chapter 53: First Kiss

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Oh gosh, after 52 chapters, it's here! <3


Translated by Irisu

Edited by Ely



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For this school term, Su Jin's course ended at the start of December. After their elders had determined the date for the engagement ceremony, these same elders used the excuse of preparing for it to leave the hospital together and leaving behind the young sweethearts, Su Jin and Lu Xi.

For now, Su Jin gritted her teeth and nodded, this matter of the formal wear could be decided later. For a moment, all was silent in the hospital room.

Half leaning against the headboard of the bed, Lu Xi looked at the young lady before him. Seeing that look of hers as if she was resigning peacefully to her death, he could not help but curl up his lips. Yet, in the depths of his heart, a burst of warmth welled up.

"Come here." With a slightly hoarse voice, he shot a wave to her.

Considering how that certain someone was immobile, despite her misgivings, Su Jin still complied and stood up. She then came closer to Lu Xi.

"What's wrong?" She seemed to have thought of something as her complexion reddened slightly. Covertly, she took a glance towards the direction of the toilet.

Could it be that he wanted to go to the toilet? It was not very convenient on one leg......
That move of hers was not exactly stealthy so naturally, Lu Xi had noticed it too. This little girl, she truly had a rich imagination. Raising an eyebrow, he did not pay heed to this glance and simply patted the bedside ledge beside him. He spoke, "sit."

"Eh?" Su Jin was surprised then as she reacted, she swiftly pushed aside those disorderly and chaotic thoughts in her heart. Following suit to the direction where Lu Xi pointed, she sat down.

"To have me sit here......"

Without even finishing her sentence, she was stopped.

A pair of big hands grasped her palm. Su Jin, who had not guarded against this action, found her body leaning to the side from just that small amount of strength from that pair of hands. Her body leaning so much so that she swiftly fell in the direction of that force, right into a familiar embrace.

Sensing his intentions, Su Jin did not struggle either and clearly relaxed her body as she curled up in his arms.

With that warm body half leaning against his chest, that familiar scent of her hair lingered at the tip of his nose. Lu Xi took a deep breath as his arms, that was wrapping the girl in his arms, tightened. In his heart, the joy that he felt seemed to want to burst at its seams.

On this day, so many things had happened.

When the very sentence that he had been yearning for even in his dreams was finally spoken from her lips, even if it came as no surprise, he was still nearly drowned by that immense joy.

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