31 | birthday boy

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It was finally the day of Taehyung's birthday and Jungkook couldn't wait to surprise him.

He was already picturing his face as he saw his friends Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok for the first time, something he would have loved to catch on camera so that he wouldn't have lost the memory of them celebrating together.

Jungkook had already told Tae he was gonna come to his house on Friday so when he showed up at his door the latter wasn't that shocked.

"Ah, you're here! Come inside" Taehyung smiled, his blue hair more vibrant than Jungkook remembered. He'd probably dyed them again for the occasion.

"Whoa. Your apartment looks so comfy. I like it" Jk giggled, squinting his eyes to take a look at the various paintings hanging on the walls of his living room.

"Did you make all of these?" he then pointed at some of the pieces of art, paying particular attention to one which was in the middle of the room. The frame was small and the person portrayed in it looked awfully familiar. Taehyung smiled, glancing up at Jungkook who was focused staring at that portrait.

"Does it remind you of someone?" he asked, making the younger boy nod in response.

"Is that me?" Jungkook widened his eyes, his face lighting up. He looked so adorable all Taehyung wanted to do was cuddle him into his arms. He then answered affirmatively.

"Gosh, it's beautiful. I can't believe you're so talented. And I thought it was your birthday! Turns out I'm the one getting presents today" Jungkook ironically commented. At that moment, a little fur-ball who had been hiding under the Christmas tree for all the time being, made his way into the room and then went resting on Taehyung's foot.

"Look, Tannie came to say hi" the blue-haired boy happily introduced his dog to Jungkook who was super excited to meet him.

"Aw, can I hold him?" he asked, praying Tae who nodded in response and told Yeontan to go to him. Now that he was in Jungkook's arms they could continue their conversation.

"Everything about this place it's so nice" Jungkook sighed in relief as he looked around the room, only to be welcomed by the colorfulness and brightness of Christmas lights and decorations which, combined with Taehyung's stunning art, made that sight incredible.

"It feels.. it feels like" he then added, mindlessly patting Yeontan's head.

"Home" Taehyung finished the sentence, breathing in the tingling smell of holiday-inspired candles that were scattered all around the house just to set the mood.

They stayed silent for a moment, that before Jungkook remembered what was he there for.

"Why don't we go sit on the couch and watch a Christmas movie? I guess that's what you're here for, am I right?" Taehyung then spoke, making Jungkook flash a grin.

"Yep. You guessed it" he answered, loving that Taehyung was completely oblivious to the fact he wanted to surprise him. So as they sat and chose the movie to watch, he took the floor once again.

"So.. how does it feel to turn 20?" he asked the older boy, who winced.

"Well, I don't feel any different to be quite honest" he said, shrugging. His hair was a bit messy and ruffled also just then Jungkook noticed how sharp and defined his jawline was... all of that was making him literally drool on the inside. Every time he turned around to meet his gaze, he felt like collapsing under the weight of his deep, emerald stare.

"Something wrong, Jungkookie?" the young artist asked, not even aware of how much his looks killed the other boy.

"Uhm, yeah I mean.. I was just thinking about last time we saw each other and I-" Jungkook started to say, but Taehyung stopped him.

"It was great, wasn't it?" Tae spoke, putting down the remote control and turning his full attention to Jungkook.

"I've been wanting to tell you this for some time now.." he took the floor again, this time taking Jungkook's hands in his and looking at him fondly, his eyes almost watery. Jungkook's breath got stuck in his throat just as his heart seemed to have stopped working. He didn't expect what was coming, nor his mind or body was ready for whatever Taehyung was about to say.

But despite his attempts, the blue-haired boy's intentions failed as the annoying sound of the doorbell aborted his words, thus left unspoken.

"I wasn't expecting anyone" he muttered, frowning as he tried to remember if he was waiting for someone else to arrive. The mailman, a neighbor, some old friend?
Then it hit him.

"This soon?" he whispered so quietly Jungkook didn't even hear him, too caught up as he was to hurriedly check his messages on the phone.

"Can't stay a minute without your phone, can you?" Taehyung chuckled as he noticed Jungkook's expression turn into one of a junkie, addicted to social media.

"It's not that... it's" Jk didn't finish the phrase since he was too busy making sure his friends were sticking to the plan. They weren't supposed to already be there! Why didn't they wait for his signal! They interrupted Tae's confession.. those dummies.

"I'll go open the door, you stay here" Tae told Jk at that point, making him stutter in response.

"No, no you can't! Please let me" he tried to speak, but the other boy was already heading towards the entrance.

"It's ok, I've got this" he stated, flashing one of his signature smiles as he opened the front door. Jungkook couldn't help but watch as he did that, already dying of embarrassment knowing his three friends were the unexpected guests.

But he was wrong. Cause there was someone else waiting for Tae outside. And so as he heard the older boy's voice echoing from the distance, he felt like sinking.

"Hey! Jimin-ah! Didn't know you were coming this soon! Come on in! Jungkook's already here"

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