6th of december

134 4 0

We're driving down a one-way road full of snow, and I pray that Louis pays attention to not let the car slide away. Niall and Liam are sitting on the backseats, talking about god knows what.
Louis moves his hands on the steering wheel to the beat sounding out of the radio, making me smile lightly. He's so cute.

As we arrive near a bridge, we decide to park the car and see if there are some homeless people in need. Niall opens the cargo bay and we grab as much as we could possibly carry, including cups of hot soup, drinks, blankets and warm clothing. After Louis locked, he pulls the keys in his bag and we start to walk towards the bridge. It is really freezing, I shiver of the thought having no home and nowhere to go, especially in winter. It must be horrible.

"Guys see, there are some people" Liam exclaims and points into the direction of under the bridge not too far away.
"Oh yeah, let's go to them" Louis answers in his high-pitched voice.

We step in front of them, smiling sympathetic.
There are a few people, sitting onto the cold stones, wrapped into thin blankets which don't seem to be pretty warm.

"Hi, uh, we got some stuff you might need"
Louis lifts his hands to show what he's holding.

"Y'all must feel really cold" I place the things I carried with on the ground and head over to a man, exchanging his old pitted cover with one of the fluffy ones we brought with us and place it onto his shoulders, smiling nicely.

"Thank you" The old man says, having a surprised but super thankful impression on his face. His hair is white and he looks pretty scruffy, he must be around his 70s I guess.

"Of course, we do everything to help you guys" I reply, looking over to Niall and the other boys who are handing out some cups of soup to the other people.

"Here are some drinks and warm clothing for you, take everything you need"
The green eyes of the man start to sparkle happily, he immediately gets up and limps over to have a look at the things.

I join Louis, Niall and Liam to help them and start to fill bowls with the soup that's luckily still hot. We all cooked it together at home earlier, well, at least we tried our best, but according to the homeless people eating it with delightful faces it turned out good.

"Can.. Can I get another cup please?" The white haired man asks politely, seeming kinda shy.

"Sure" I smile and hand him another one,
"eat as much as you want, we have enough"
He nods thankfully and limps over to sit beside the people he shares the place with.

"Louis you idiot" Niall shouts, and as I turn around to see what's going on, I only get meet by a filled bowl crashing down onto the ground. I smile to myself and bite on my lip, finding it kinda funny. Because Niall's already helping him to clean up, I walk over to the others sitting in a circle, followed by Liam. We both sit down and start some conversations while letting them eat.

"He is not an idiot just because he let the bowl fall down" the now familiar man says into my direction. I begin to laugh amused. "Ah don't worry, they're just joking, it's not serious."

"Oh well sometimes he really is an idiot" Liam joins in, smiling brightly. "Once we were on a camping trip and tried to follow the instructions to build up the tent, but Louis wanted to do it the "Tommo-way", and guess what, at the end it totally crashed down!"

"Tommo is Louis' nickname" I explain, after seeing his confused look. The old man starts to laugh loudly, clutching his stomach.

"What's so funny?"

As soon as I hear the voice, I feel safe.

"Oh I just told.. uhm, what's your name? Doesn't matter, I told them about our camping trip and the thing with the tent"

"For gods sake Liam!" The brown-haired exclaims, laughing while trying to tickle his mate.

"See" I face the man, "That's what we meant, they're always joking" I smile.

We sat there for some time now and had a lot of funny conversations. I feel like it's getting colder and colder, and I'm really cold. But I don't pay much attention to it, I mean, all of them feel like this every day. A campfire would be pretty cozy tho. I look around and see the water running down in the river, which is also under the bridge. The stark trees are covered up with snow and as I look up at the sky I realise it started to snow again.

"Harry will give you some more, yeah?" I hear Louis say. I turn around to face them.
"He would like to get another cup of soup"
"Oh yeah, of course"

As I come back with the soup and give it to the old man, I see he's wearing a necklace with a pendant. "You're wearing a necklace"
He looks at me after taking a sip.


The green eyed man places the cup down and opens the pendant.
Niall, Liam, Louis and I are waiting excited about what he's going to do.

"This is my granddaughter" He shows us the small picture of a little girl he carries with him.
His eyes shine for a second, but then it seems like there are coming some tears up.
"I haven't seen her for years now, it's pretty complicated" His voice sounds sad.

"I'm sorry" I say quietly, laying my hand on his shoulder. He nods, while staring at the picture.
"You two will find a way to figure out whatever is standing between you" Louis says encouragingly.


"Thank you for spending the day with us"
The old man whispers while we're in a hug.
I smile, feeling happy. "Sure, we enjoyed it"

"Take care" Louis exclaims, and Niall nods.
We wave at them and start to go back to our parked car. We left all the blankets and clothes behind, knowing they would need it.

Niall and Liam are a bit in front of us, stamping in the kinda high snow.

"It was a pretty cool day"
"Yes it was, I'm glad we could help. I'm sorry for them tho"
I look up and Louis and my eyes meet.

God, his eyes.

Louis blue eyes are full of happiness and luck, they are fascinating. His face is scrunched up while he's smiling brightly as heck.
I immediately also start to smile, there's no way you can't do it when looking at him.


As we step out of the car and are in front of our house, there's something magical.
It's already dark and all of the lights and decorations are on, the whole street is lightened up. The snow sparkles and more and more snowflakes are falling down from the sky.
I try to catch some with my tongue, getting joined by Niall, Louis and Liam. I bet it looks really funny, four men trying to eat snowflakes in the street, but I don't care.

I feel like I'm finally where I am meant to be.

Liam opens his arms and gestures us to come into them. A few moments later I find myself wrapped in a big long group hug, feeling my friends' arms on my back.
As I feel the warmth, I know that these three idiots are my best friends in the world and will ever be.

"I love you guys"

a/n: HELLOOO <3
how are y'all feeling? hope you're having a good time! In 8 days it's christmas, the time's running like crazyyy!! Guess who still needs to get all the presents together lmao..
I'm having a pretty cozy day, listening to the boys' music and staying on the couch heheh :)
also who found the hidden hints in this chapter?

much love xx

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