chapter fourteen

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When it starts getting dark the fatass commands all of us to go outside. He doesn't look very pleased while doing so. I guess it's going to be something cool then. I make my way outside and my eyes search the crowd for Tweek. Still no sign of him. After he ran off earlier I looked for him everywhere but I couldn't find him. He must've been busy with the preparations for whatever this event's going to be. I close my eyes for a moment as I walk beside Clyde and Bebe. Wendys face appears her lifeless black eyes, her pale bloodless skin and her mouth contorted into a silent scream.
The event is her funeral. I'm such a stupid shit, that's why I haven't found Tweek anywhere. Because he planned Wendys funeral which all of us are obviously heading to.

Everyone from the group is gathering around a some sort of pedestal where Wendys lays. She's surronded by a flowers and all sorts of plants. Underneath her is a big comfortable looking pile of dry hay.
I wonder where Tweek found those flowers? Gotta ask him afterwards.
Stan and Tweek are standing  behind the pedestol. Stan is holding Brianna and Tweek has a petrol can next to him. The whole crowd is murmuring and staring at Wendys corpse. Tweek made her look really pretty. She's even wearing a fresh shirt. It's purple with a rainbow over the chest. As for her pants and boots, she's still wearing the same as when Clyde and I brought her to the medical quarters.
"Everybody shut the fuck up!", Eric yells and the whole groups falls silent, "dear Tweek insisted on a funeral for Wendy, so listen what he has to say."
"Thank you Eric. I think all of you knew them, Wendy/Wendyl. Tonight I'll talk about them in the form of Wendy, since it was their last... you know what I mean. Wendy has always been a dear friend to all of us. She was an activist, a supporter and also quite intelligent. Wendy was like a sister to me. To a lot of us I think. She was caring, loving and always had an open ear and mind for everyones concerns. I can proudly say that I was her friend. I fought by her side many times since this apocalypse started. I'm happy that I got to know her and she was a part of my life", Tweek looks at Stan before he continues, "Wendy will live on inside of all of us. With the memories we made with her. With the things she thaught us. With the love she's given all of us. With her cute little angel Brianna. We'll never forget her. So let us burn her in honor together."
Stan moves towards all of us and hands together with Kenny everyone a stick. Butters and Scott go around and light the sticks on fire. Tweek pours the gas over Wendy. When everyones stick is burning Tweek gestures at Stan to make the first step. That one hands Tweek Brianna and lays his flamming stick next to Wendy. The flame quickly infests the plants and the hay. The whole group now follows his lead and places their burning sticks around Wendy. Stan looks into the steady growing fire around his girlfriend. The reflection of the flames dancing in his deep blue eyes. He's holding Brianna close to his chest shielding her from the fire with his hand over her head.

The fire is still bruning ablaze when Eric gives permission to return inside since the sun is setting to let us drift into the night. Most of the group leaves. Only Tweek, Stan, Kenny and I remain. Kenny and Stan have retreated themselves a few feet away from the fire and they talk while sitting on a bench. Tweek is still next to the pedestol sitting on a stump. His face is buried in his hands.
"Got room for one  more?", I ask and he looks up to me startled.
"Sure.", he scoots over and I sit down next to him.
We stay silent for quite a while and watch the fire together.
"Listen Tweek, about what you saw with Clyde it's...", I start but he interrupts me.
"No. No need to explain anything. I just made a pretty bold assumption because you told me a while back that you first realized that you were gay when you had a crush on Clyde. And Clyde updated everyone from the beginning that he's bisexual. So yeah I had a hasty assumption. But it's not like it would matter. I mean you only think of me as you makeout buddy or something right?", Tweek puts a horrible fake smile on.
"Ugh Tweek.", I pull my hat into my face to hide the blush that creeps onto my face.
He looks at me puzzled: "Did I say something wrong?"
"No! It's just...", I beginn stammering, "I-I would really like if we were more than that you know. If you'd like that too?"
His beautiful eyes sparkle at me and his cheeks are flushed deep red. I smile and turn even more red myself.
"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?", he asks, his voice coated in disbelief.
I turn myself toward him and lock our gazes.
"Yes. Would you Tweek like to be my boyfriend?"
He squeals and then flings his arms around my neck. I embrace him tightly.
"Is that a yes?", I whisper hopefully into his ears.
"That's defintely a yes.", he murmurs and presses a sweet kiss onto my lips.

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