chapter eighteen

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A few months have passed since we first made contact with the 'Mole' and lieutenant Betsy Crane. And also since Kenny went away. He never returned from wherever he was going. Butters doesn't speak about him no more. It's a sad story. Tweek still hopes for Kenny's return, but I for one don't think this will ever happen. He probably died out there or got turned. I'm not gonna tell him that though. Today is the day when we're finally gonna meet 'ze Mole' and his companions. Tweek is walking next to me with Brianna in an old shabby buggy we found in one of the houses. I look down at the buggy at the sleeping Brianna. She looks so calm and happy. I lock eyes with Tweek and he smiles at me. This smile still gives me butterflies in the stomach.
"We should be there soon, right?", he asks me.
I look at the map and look around at our surroundings.
„I think so?", it sounded more like a question than an answer but Tweek seems to accept it. We silently walk next to eachother and I watch the others. Butters is emotionless staring into the distance. Probably elsewhere with his thoughts. Karen and Ike are holding hands and walking next to eachother while whispering about something I'm not able to hear. I'm glad Ike got over Tricia with time having passed. I glance at the newest additions in our group. Sophie Gray and Millie Larsson. Sophie is the exgirlfriend of the diabetic kid that died. Millie is her best friend. Both of them had lived in North Park like me and my friends. They were hidding out in a bunker for quite some time. They only got out of the bunker because they ran out of food and water. Butter spotted them while on scouting with Tweek. Sophie recognized them, since she went to South Park elementary school for a while. That's basically how we got joined by them.

After hours of walking we finally arrive in Denver. We search for the Colorado State Capitol where we're supposed to meet 'ze Mole' and his companions. In front of the massive building I spot a tall black haired guy. He's got a lit cigarette between his lips and little wrinkles on the sides of his eyes. His eyes are wandering around until they stop on us. He squints as if to be sure we are really humans.
"Are you ze people from South Park?", he eyes us suspicously before he asks, "your names s'il vous plaîte?"
"I'm Tweek, we talked on the channel.", he gestures to the rest of us, "these are my friends."
"Very well...", he mumbles and yells something in french I don't understand.
A blonde boy emerges with a short, intimidating looking blonde girl by his side. She gives us a cold glare. I surpress the urge to flip her off.
"Christophe, sont-ce les gens de South Park?", she asks the Mole.
He nods and turn back to greet us properly: "Welcome amis from South Park. These are mes meilleur amis from the international Academy I went to before ze apocalypse. Ze petite flower is Estella Havisham. Ze blonde gars is Gregory of Yardale. Les deux are british. Mon real name is Christophe like Estella already révélé."
Tweek also introduces the rest of  our group and all three of them pierce us with their cold and calculating looks.
"Are there only the three of you?", I ask eyeing all of them with the same cold and calculating look they give us.
"No, there are Heather Nishimura, Charlotte Gagnon, Maria Sanchez, Natalia Vladchik, Isiah Jordan, Luke Covina and Luigi...", Gregory replies.
He has a smooth voice but the british accent is kinda destroying it.
Estella rolls her eyes and scolds Gregory: "You don't have to name everyone, especially not with first and last name."
"Estella, Gregory please escort nos invités inside. Tweek I'd like to chat with you.", Christophe speaks up and his friends nod and usher us inside.
Tweek hands me the buggy with Brianna and points with his head to follow the others. I roll my eyes and push the buggy inside.

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