Life And Death

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The talk with his father had Seokjin feeling even worse, he didn't want to go back home yet, not for a reason like his foolishness. The whole family were going to look down on him and his father was surely going to trap him in one of his coffins for a few years before trapping him at home until no one knows when, he was going to get punished for breaking the rules and making human friends. He was never going to be free again and it wasn't something he wanted. 

"I guess this is it for me" Seokjin mumbled to himself as he walked the corridor to the room he shared with Namjoon, not expecting Jungkook to be walking right behind him "What were you doing outside hyung?"

It was the first time Seokjin ever jumped in his skin from something, it was a first for him to not be able to smell or even sense that someone was near him. He was losing his senses as a vampire and Seokjin knew that that wasn't a good realization. His end could come sooner than he's trying to prepare himself for.

"Things happened back home so I was just speaking with my father. Why are you up?"

"Getting water" Jungkook yawned "Everything alright?" There was a hint of worry in Jungkook's voice. However, Seokjin made sure to reassure him that everything was all fine before both of them went back to sleep.


"Hyungie wake up!" Jimin screamed right in Seokjin's ear, waking him up out of the deep sleep he fell into faster than he'd like, he wasn't planning on sleeping today but it happened out of his control.

"What is it Jimin-ah?" Upon sitting up, Seokjin realized how heavy and rather hot his body felt from the inside. His blood was never supposed to be hot or even warm at all.

"You just overslept which is kinda weird honestly. Are you tired from yesterday?" At hearing the question, Seokjin decided not to lie and nod.

"I know I'm being too much but, can we all stay home today? I don't really feel well but I don't want to stay alone too.." He looked dawn at his heavy hands. The truth was that Seokjin could tell that today was going to be his last and wanted to spend some of his time with everyone before leaving since these people were the ones to teach him what a family really meant.

"I'm sure no one would want to leave you alone hyung." Jimin smiled softly. He could tell that something was bothering Seokjin "Are you perhaps in any pain? What do you feel?" With these words, Jimin extended his hand to Seokjin's forehead for his eyes to widen a second later.

"Hyung you're burning up!" Standing up in worry, Jimin moved to get Taehyung to check on Seokjin before taking his hyung to the hospital but a hand on his wrist stopped him from taking another step away.

"Jimin don't, please this is normal, especially with the heat in this room"

"Hyung the weather is cold, what are you even saying?" Jimin shock his head and attempted to snatch his hand away. However, even though Seokjin wasn't at full strength, he was still stronger.

"Jimin just listen to me this once. This is really because of the heat and I've been in the sun for too long yesterday so my body is just drained and heated unlike you whose cold right now so it's natural for you to feel like I'm hot which isn't really wrong" He winked and gestured towards his face to lighten up the mood "You know I've always been sensitive to the sun so this is nothing new. I'll be fine in a few hours and if not, then you can do whatever you want, but now I want you to listen to my words" Seokjin wasn't whining or begging the other to hear his words, it felt as if he was calmly asking for a favor.

The tone and Seokjin's rested expression and posture is what made Jimin sigh and give in so easily. For him, it seemed like Seokjin wasn't lying and rather confident and sure of his words, not knowing it was quite the opposite.

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