6: Don't Judge a Book

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Hi there, I'm just jumping in to give you a big thanks for reading/voting/commenting. Every eye on my story makes me super happy :)

I'll be updating daily until the story starts to get a little further along. I'll let you guys know when I do that.

Anyway, thanks again for reading, and enjoy.



The weekend went by with a flood of stress and anxiety for Grace. She hadn't gotten a good nights sleep for several days and she was having trouble focusing on her schoolwork. Honestly, all she wanted to do was throw herself into her studying and forget about the world.

Grace headed downstairs to leave for school, sighing. Her father was in the kitchen scarfing down a quick breakfast before work.

"Morning, Grace," he said.

"Morning, dad."

Come on, Jeanette, hurry up and get here! Grace thought anxiously. She turned away from her father as she waited in the entryway, hoping he wouldn't notice her poor mood.

"Hey, has something been going on lately?" Well, he noticed.

"Uh, no, why do you ask?" Grace brushed off his concern.

"You've just been holed up in your room all weekend," her dad said tactfully. Surely he also noticed how she occasionally donned a set of puffy eyes here and there.

Grace flashed her father a genuine smile for his concern. "I'm okay, dad. I love you."

"I love you too, Grace."

A text from Jeanette popped up on her phone and she quickly said goodbye to her dad before heading out to her friend's car. She knew she shouldn't be hiding things from her own father, but if he knew about the recent slew of phone calls and texts she's been getting it would only spiral things out of control. For now, she'd have to deal with it herself.


Before first period, Grace headed to her locker to grab some textbooks. However, when she got there, she saw something rather peculiar.

"Uh, Sarah?" she snapped, startling the little dweeb. "What are you doing to my locker?"

Sarah jumped away from the locker. She looked like she was hiding something behind her back. "Uh, nothing!"

Grace stormed over to her. "What are you hiding behind your back?"

"None of your concern!"

"Excuse me?" Grace roared. "I'm getting so sick and tired of you pulling this shit! If you don't leave me alone, I'll-"

"You'll what?" Sarah asked, a devious smile suddenly forming on her face. She stared at Grace with not a hint of fear in her eyes. "You can't do anything to me. Especially now that I've got that transfer student on my side. She knows how much of a bitch you are."

"Cal?" Grace raised an eyebrow. "Right, she mentioned you last week. Are you seriously going to fuck around with her now?"

"You're going to get yours, Grace," Sarah threatened a wide grin. "I'd recommend you start making some...'self improvements'."

And with that, Sarah ran off with whatever she was hiding.

Grace cautiously open her locker to see if anything was put in it or stolen out of it. Everything seem to be normal. She must've caught the bitch just as she was breaking in.

Grace slammed the locker shut, utterly frustrated.

"I can never get a fucking break, can I?"


Jeanette and Megan continued to provide Grace with updates on the dirt on Cal, but Grace could hardly feign interest. There was so much going on that she'd have to put her feud with the transfer student on hold. She allowed her two friends to continue pulling little pranks on Cal, but she herself did her best to avoid the tall blonde.

Of course, that was until Tuesday afternoon when she remembered the tutoring session she'd have to go to. Begrudgingly, she made her way to the school library. She could only hope that Cal would be somewhat quiet or just not show up, but such things were only wishful thinking.

She got to the study room first, but Cal showed up only a couple minutes later. The transfer student seemed to be in the usual taunting mood.

"Long time, no see, Ice Queen," Cal greeted.

Grace outright ignored the other girl, hoping she'd get bored and leave or just study. Cal sat in the chair across from her.

"Don't feel like talking, huh?" Cal remarked. She slid the notebook that Grace was working in towards herself with her index finger. "Feel like teaching me, then?"

Grace snatched the notebook back. "I don't feel like dealing with you."

"I'm going to fail math because of you."

"Not my problem."

"How heartless," Cal chuckled. Grace could feel her eyes studying her as she pretended to do work. "Are you mad because I called you out on bullying Sarah?"

Grace's murderous gaze snapped up to meet Cal's. "Definitely not. I have no idea what kind of relationship you two have now, but I don't give a flying fuck about it."

"Look, I can tell you're in a worse-than-usual mood lately," Cal said. "But more people would feel sorry for you if you didn't treat them all like shit."

Grace started boiling with anger. Who did she think she was? "I don't want you or anyone else's pity, so step off! You don't even know what kind of person Sarah is, so don't blame me when she decides to backstab your ass!"

Cal's smile dropped and she leaned over the table. "So now you're going to blame the victim? I saw you cornering her when we first met!"

"The world isn't some nice black and white fantasy, Cal!" Grace yelled. "Not everything you hear about me is true! Shouldn't you know that with all the rumors running around about you?"

Cal didn't argue back and just looked away.

At this point, her emotions were so overwhelming that Grace was fighting back tears. And she'll go to hell before she cries in front of Cal. She stood up and quickly shoveled her things into her backpack.

"You know what? I'm going home. Go ahead and tell Mrs. Burns that I left early, I don't care!"

"Hey, Grace-"

She slammed the door behind her before Cal could finish her reply. She rushed down to the parking lot and just hid in Jeanette's car while she waiting for her to get out of softball practice.

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