59: All's Well That Ends Well

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"And so, the Thomas Theorem can help us recognize the importance of labeling to an individual's behavior in society. By understanding how individuals act and feel the way they do, we can begin to remedy the issues in groups or even entire nations."

Once Grace had finished the closing line of the presentation, the class applauded and her, Cal, and Dana returned to their seats.

When they were at their desks, Cal let out a sigh.

"Whew, it's finally over," she breathed. "I'm surprised we even got it done in time."

"Seriously," Grace agreed. Then she folded her arms over her chest in an act of trying to hide her shyness. "I really appreciate you guys for keeping it together while I was out of school. We would've never been able to finish if you hadn't."

Since Grace had been gone, Dana actually did a part of the project during the critical period when Cal had to be there for Grace. When that passed, Cal returned to help, and they worked tirelessly to try to keep the presentation up to Grace's standards. The last thing Cal wanted was for Grace to come back to have to re-do a good chunk of the project.

Naturally, Grace still wanted to make a few revisions, but she was surprisingly pleased with their work. Dana seemed especially proud of this.

"See, we weren't that bad of a group after all," Dana said with a smirk.

"The jury's still out," Grace replied defiantly, but a smile was threatening to form at the corners of her mouth.

There was only one more presentation after that and then Mr. Morrison let them go fifteen minutes early.

It was the last day of the semester, and, honestly, Spring had flown by. Cal couldn't believe that summer break started the next day and they would all basically be seniors.

In spite of the difficult first month, Cal and Grace's relationship was going far smoother than expected. The following two months flew by, and they even survived the stress of finals.

"Do you guys have a final for seventh period?" Dana asked once the three of them had left the classroom and were walking down the hallway.

"It's a free period for me," Cal replied.

"We did our finals for that class yesterday, so I don't have to go," Grace added for herself.

"Lucky," Dana said with a sigh. "I've got to go fail a world history final."

They stopped near the stairs of the hallway and Dana turned to face the two of them. She suddenly pulled them into a three-person hug, her voice shaking as if she was about to cry.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much," she blubbered.

Cal smiled, patting her on the back, while Grace seemed to just be trying to survive the tight hug.

"Oh, calm down, Dana," Cal soothed. "We can see each other a bunch over the summer."

Dana finally released them from the hug and sniffled.

"Yeah, but you guys still have to get back from your trip," she protested.

Grace rolled her eyes. "It's only two weeks."

"Well, just make sure to be safe, and text me, call me, take pictures...oh! And grab me a souvenir too-"

"Alright, Dana, you don't want to be late for your final, right?" Cal interrupted gently.

Dana regarded them with her rare, genuine smile. "I'm really glad you guys are doing better."

The couple smiled at her in response.

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