49: Plenty of Fish

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Hi guys,

Sorry for not telling you when this update was going to be! There will only be one more update for this week since it's a very large chapter, and that'll be on Thursday. I appreciate you guys putting up with this hectic schedule. 

The first part of this chapter takes place in the lunch period before the events towards the end of the last chapter.

Enjoy, and thank you for all the support,



Cal, Kenzie, and Mark's usual lunch hideaway under the stairs at the end of a hallway had become relatively abandoned as it became warmer outside. It still wasn't hot by any means, but it was bearable to be outside since snow was less common in March.

The trio used this to their advantage since they were far more free of teacher supervision outside as opposed to inside. And that day they decided to spend their lunch period playing tennis at the court on the school grounds.

Since there was three of them as opposed to an even number, they had to work with imbalanced halves of the net. But it worked out since Cal was far more athletic than her uncoordinated friends, so she played alone against the two of them. They were still losing.

"You gotta chill out with those serves, Cal!" Kenzie yelled, leaning over to place her hands on her knees, out of breath. "This isn't the Olympics."

Cal rolled her eyes, spinning her racket in the air and catching it with one hand. "You guys are being dramatic. Maybe you should stop ditching gym class."

The three of them took a break to down their bottles of water on the side of the tennis court. Lunch period was almost over anyway, so Cal figured they might as well start packing up. She sighed when she remembered having to look forward to both sixth period and after school with Grace. The sociology group was meeting that day for the project.

There was more bickering and disagreement in group meetings than actual work. It was becoming tiring having to scramble something together after everyone gets too busy to meet up and being unable to make decent progress with assignments. It was already March, but summer seemed so unimaginably far away.

"Hey, Cal!"

Cal's head whipped around from the familiar voice, and sure enough, Dana was on the other side of the chain link fence that surrounded the tennis court. She was hand-in-hand with a tall, dark-haired guy wearing a letterman jacket. Cal didn't recognize him which made her consider that he was possibly a senior.

"Dana? What are you here for?" Cal asked.

"Oh, we were just walking back from the parking lot," Dana explained. "But I'm glad I ran into you! I wanted to ask you something!"

Cal was sort of surprised since Dana could've easily asked her during sixth period. Maybe she was planning on ditching? It wouldn't be that out of the norm for Dana, though she skipped sociology far less than she used to ditch Spanish class last semester.

"Sure, what's up?" Cal said.

"So next weekend we're having a get-together at my house," Dana replied. "It's gonna be a little going-away party since one of the guys from Isaac's baseball team is leaving the state."

When she said "Isaac", she tugged on the hand of the boy she'd been walking with, indicating that he was the person in question. He waved a little when he was mentioned, smiling a bit awkwardly.

"Is it gonna be like an actual party?" Cal questioned. She wasn't sure she was up for one of those, to be honest. She was never one for them in the first place – Kenzie and Mark were more keen on the dancing and underage drinking scene.

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