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The following day Wes and I were still not talking to each other. It drove me insane how great one night could be and then be ripped away the next. It felt like one step forward, two steps back. It made me nauseous.

Just as I was about to roll out of bed at 2pm Wes came in the room, "oh you're awake," he said trying to make an excuse as to why he didn't bother knocking. I just looked at him as I tried to figure out what he was thinking and what his mood was like today. "I have a couple questions for you," he said as i motioned my hands for him to continue. "So the other day you were talking about how you feel like you've change. How do you feel about that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, I just feel different. I don't necessarily love or hate it. I just feel like a new person, I guess," I told him making him nod. "Why do you ask?"

"Well because today I'm going to take the New Danielle to experience new things. So what have you been wanting to try since you've moved to the Big Apple," he asked exaggerating big Apple.

"You're not mad at me anymore," I asked.

"Yes, I'm still mad. Very mad. But today we have nothing to do, and I want to show you how great new things can be and how change isn't a bad thing. I also wanted to explain to you that in this life, good things don't come often. So when times like this come around we need to take a step back from the darkness and make memories, good ones, and make the most of every moment, because we never know when our last one is," he told me very wisely.

"I didn't know you were so poetic," I chuckled.

"So what do you want to try," he asked looking at me intently.

"I've never tried a New York pizza or bubble tea," I admitted making him laugh.

"Okay, let's see if we can make that happen."

He took me to a pizza place that we can just walk in, pick a pizza, pay, and then sit. "It may not look the best in here, but trust me they have the best pizza," Wes assured me as I looked around the sketchy dirt infested seating area.

I got a slice of pepperoni pizza, but the slice was as large as my head. I didn't know how to pick it up as the grease flooded onto the paper plate leaving it stained. Wes laughed at me struggling, "you have to fold it like this. It's the proper New York way," he demonstrated by showing me his folded pizza.

"Oh my gosh," I commented as soon as I bit into the cheesy pepperoni pizza. I felt the hot melted cheese but my chin as I tried to shove the pepperoni back in my mouth. I then took my finger and swung the cheesy string back into my mouth. "This is so good," I smiled as I chewed the rest of my food.

After a few more bites I got into a debate with Wes over which is better Coke or Pepsi. I argues that coke was the dominant one and Pepsi was just the ugly stepsister. I even told him how Coke was invented in Atlanta, Georgia and maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much, because not many things come out of Georgia. Then he had to remind me that Coke originally was made with cocaine. "I don't care, Coke is still better," I chuckled as I took my last bite.

Even the crust taste beyond anything I've ever eaten, it was crunchy yet still doughy. When I was finished I felt sad and wanted another slice even though I was stuffed and knew that if I had one more I would end up regretting it.

Wes then took my hand and lead me to a bubble tea bar, "Which would you like," he asked making me shrug. I didn't even know what flavor to try, but after looking at the menu for a solid five minutes I decided on a Mocha, since I loved Mocha coffees. Wes got Green Tea.

"I've actually never had bubble tea either, so I'm glad we can try new things together," he commented as he pulled my hand outside to sit on a bench. It felt so nice out, every one seemed to be out today either shopping for early Christmas gifts or running extra late for work. Everyone who lived in New York seemed to be constantly busy, I always wondered if it's because they're all determined people or because they have to work multiple jobs to keep afloat with New York's high standard of living.

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