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He stands there in the doorway with his beautiful shadowed facial hair and his dark hair crazy as usual (But Jenna could notice he had some gel in it). His eyes look at the pair up and down. Jenna worried that maybe she needed to leave the room so that Eugene and Keith could have a moment alone. But then, his lips go from a rugged and serious face to a light-hearted smile. He dropped his jacket on the ground as Jenna stands up as shes about to leave the room. Eugene quickly gets closer to her and he looks into her eyes very deeply and contently. Jenna is left speechless. She didn't know what he was going to do or say to her.

Jenna: I'm sorry Eugene...I can leave you tw-

He stops her by dramatically hugging her tightly and burying his head into her shoulder. Confused...she hugs him too. She feels the warmth of his hands and the way his body gives a presence to her. He rubs his soft hand down her back because he felt that she was tense about all of this happening all at once...he begins to speak while holding her.

Eugene: I...I've missed you so much.

Jenna looks over at him and is nearly close to shedding a tear but wipes it away. She looks at him and holds his hand that was in his pocket. her warm colored eyes and gentle smile looks at Eugene. She slowly goes in and kisses him on the cheek. Eugene blushes brightly and looks into her eyes, he smiles as she begins to walk away into her room since it was later in the night and she was exhausted. She kissed him one more time before she went for the hallway. She speaks to him in a soothing voice, and she says his name like it was arousing to her.

Jenna: I'll see you around....Eugene.

Eugene steps away from the hallway after she goes into her room and he sits down on the couch slowly. Keith looks at him and pours more wine in his glass and offers Eugene the wine that was in Jenna's glass

Keith: you want some Eugene?

Eugene: please!

He pours Eugene a glass and Keith catches Eugene up on what he missed while he and Jenna were talking. Eugene was looking into the fire from time to time as Keith was talking. Once Keith got to a stopping point, he looks at his friend with a concerned but still cheery smile.

Keith: you okay man?

Eugene: yeah...I just..She's beautiful.

Keith: who...Jenna?

Eugene: *sighs* Yeah..shes so...different

Keith: well yeah. she's a grown woman now. You should ask her out.

Eugene: well. I don't know... I'm WAY out of her league!

They begin to laugh and look at each other with big smiles and semi-drunk eyes.

Keith: You should AT LEAST...give it a shot

Eugene: your right...I will do that tomorrow. Thanks, Keith...

Keith: anytime. I will text the guys that she's home and we will have a hangout day with her.

Eugene gives a thumbs up and walks away with a smile on his face. he stumbles nearby Jenna's room and he smiles down at her as she lays on the bed. He gets closer to her and rubs her shoulder a little bit to wake her up

Eugene: hey...you awake?

Jenna: *groans in sleep* yeah...I am now.

Eugene: sorry.. I just wanted to ask if I can be with you?

Jenna: sure...hop in.

Another second later, Eugene takes his clothes and lays them in her luggage bag and jumps into bed with her. They snuggled closer to each other so they could be warmer, as they snuggled. They began...

to kiss.

to kiss

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Angel with a Shotgun (Eugene/Author)Where stories live. Discover now