Act 1

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This is Xyler Daschund. Not like the dog breed. He is a Harvard graduate with a degree in software engineering. As a software engineer, he doesn't get out much. He sits at his computer in his rental unit working on his next big project. He is an individual developer but he could hit up some other engineers on Discord if he needed help. And he rarely needs help. He's also on Reddit and this led him to a lucid dream subreddit. He was hoping he could use it as a concept in his game.

He's currently working on an abstract, aesthetically and visually pleasing retro runner. He plans to release it on Steam once it's done. It's a 2D retro game filled with colour and his own creative additions. He was thinking of having the playable character dream up a scenario of him running endlessly for points. A lucid dream because a lot of wacky stuff happens in it. But the more he kept on reading about lucid dreams, the more he was interested and willing to try.

First of all, he needed to perform at least ten reality checks per day. He chose to stick to the easiest one which was looking back and forth at a clock or word to see if it changes. If it changed, it would signify that he was in a dream and wake up within it. From there he could apparently change the dream to be whatever he wanted it to be. He also kept a dream journal as instructed by the checklist online to identify dream signs. After a week, he had recognised two dream signs. It usually had fantasy elements and consisted of him not being human. He tried to imprint the dream signs in his mind so that he could recognise them in the dream as well. There was also a mantra he had to repeat in his head before falling asleep and throughout the day. "I will know when I am dreaming." He had to let this dream mantra sink into his subconscious. With all the steps completed, it was only a matter of time before he felt the effects.

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