Blade 2 alternate ending #2

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                                                                      BLADE2 alternate ending #2

                                    (DONT WORRY there will be a happy ending like i promised!)

Aisling smiled as Scud revealed the truth to Blade how they had betrayed him and become familiars. She hadnt wanted to do this but she loved Scud and this is what he wanted. Besides what he said was true.

"You heard cueball" Scud said motioning to Reindhart who was cuffing Whistler "pretty soon they're all gonna be daywalkers. When that happens I'd rather be a pet than cattle"

Aisling agreed but still she was having regrets. Blade had taken her in after her parents died while building him a...well trying to build him a UV flash-bang grenade. She'd been working for Blade for six months when she met Scud on a cold August night. He'd been attacked by two chick vamps and was a bloody mess, chunks bitten out of his stomach. She called Blade and they took him back to the workshop and patched him up. When he woke up on the couch in there workshop she and Scud got to talking. It turned out he was a skilled mechanic and was familiar with weaponry. Aisling invited him to stay and he agreed, a good thing toshe needed the help. She had good ideas for weapons and was a great designer but the actual putting together of the parts was not her strong suit and she didnt want to end up like her parents. They really hit it off and when they werent working they were sitting on the couch watching the powerpuff girls,smoking pot, and eating Krispy Kremes. One day a month or so later he came back to the workshop with some parts for a type of stake launcher and found her working on a microchip.

"Hey" she callled over her shoulder." Little help?"

He smiled "No problem" he walked over and stood behind her "okay whaddya need me to do"

"You see this" she said pointing at a red wire.


"okay connect that to this"

"Like this" he reached over her shoulder connecting the wires.

"Yea perfect thanks"

When they were finished he asked "what is it anyway?"

"A microchip for a listening device" she said turning to face him and he was staring at her

"what?" she laughed

"You are so beatiful he said and took her face in his hand kissing her.

That had been the start of their love and she would do anything to stay with him including join the vampires and betray Blade who had been like a father to her. Now staring at Blade on his knees bleeding being cuffed she felt a little remorse but she had to do this.

"Why are you doing this?" Blade asked her.

"Because" she said not meeting his gaze "I love him"

"For him youd betray your own kind?!"

This struck a nerve she looked him in the eyes and said cooly "Yes for him id watch the world burn"

"Whaddya think of that B?" Scud asked

"Two things, One ive been on to you since they turned you and two" he said pressing the detonator " its not a dud"

"oh great" Scud said

"Scud!" Aisling yelled knocking the bomb out of his hand

Then they were blown back into a wall by the explosion. Aisling stood shakily and saw carnage all around her blood and bits of flesh on the floor and walls. At first she was worried it was Scud but then she saw him passed out at her feet. She leaned down and shook him

"Get up Scud...C'mon weve gotta go" she looked around and saw that Reindhart and Whistler werent there but Reindharts weapon lay in a pool of blood. She figured it was safe to assume the bomb had killed them. She saw Blade being taken away by Guards and shook Scud harder.

He opened his eyes "Wha?"

"Weve gotta go okay if they need us they'll send for us"she said

"o-okay" he said and she helped him up and they got a ride from another familiar back to the workshop.

Later that night she and Scud lay in bed

"Blades dead by now" Aisling whispered

"Yea ,weird feeling huh?"


"Dont worry were gonna be fine"

She smiled up at him and kisse his nose "i know"

                                       THE END



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2010 ⏰

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