Day Three: Caspian X

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Prompt: Snowy forest

Caspian dismounted from his horse. After taking a moment to secure both horses to a nearby tree, he glanced up at Lady Y/n, offering his hand.

"Thank you, Caspian." She giggled as she slid off the saddle and into his waiting arms.

He gently placed her down, their hands still interlocked. "Anything for you." He kissed her cheek, leading them further into the forest.

Their feet crunched in the heavy snow which had fallen last night. The world around them was covered in the blanket of white, the snow sparkling with the warm sun. Caspian had been here many times in the past. It had become a space for him to think or to just be alone. With all the new duties that came along with being King, Caspian had found himself wanting a space where no one could find him. That was when he found the lake, a place he had dubbed his own and had yet to share with anyone.

Lady Y/n had been a similar source of relief for him. When they met, they never talked of politics or war—despite her father being a Lord in the War Council. They only ever talked of the world, what they had yet to do, what they wanted to do, where they wanted to go. The longer Caspian spent in her presence, the more he found himself dreading their separation. She was smart, beautiful and kind. He loved her and didn't want to spend another moment apart.

"Wow," Y/n gasped upon entering the clearing.

It truly was a beautiful sight. Caspian had often wished he could view it again for the first time, but watching Y/n's face, it was close enough. Her eyes twinkled as they swept over the landscape. The forest was always beautiful and full of colour; even the winter snow hadn't stopped the colour from shining through. A ray of sunshine shone through the trees, hitting the clearing perfectly and filling it with warmth. In the warmer months, there was a stream that would flow through, drawing animals to the water to drink. Now, the water was still, frozen like crystal, showing the rainbow of rocks at the bottom. Icicles hung from the trees, reflecting the sunlight and casting immaculate patterns over the snow.

"It's so beautiful, Caspian." Y/n stepped forward; her eyes wide. She glanced back to Caspian and grabbed his hand. "How did you find this place?"

Caspian shrugged, pulling her closer. "I came across it while riding one day. It's been a refuge since then."

She turned around in his arms, leaning back into his chest as they admired the quiet serenity of the clearing. Only the distant sounds of their horses could be heard.

After a few moments, Y/n spoke again. "Why did you bring me here?" She turned around. "I'm grateful, of course, but why now?"

"I wanted to share this place with you." He smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "I know the holiday celebrations are starting soon and they can be overwhelming, so now, if we need a break, we can come here."

Y/n smiled, wrapping her arms around Caspian in a hug. He always made sure she was okay, even if she didn't say anything. She loved him so much.

"There was also something I wanted to ask you."

She pulled back, looking at him with questioning eyes. "What is it?"

He smiled shyly. "I wanted to ask this before the guests all arrived." He took a step back. Taking a deep breath, he knelt into the snow. He took a ring out of his pocket and held it in one hand. With the other, he held her hand. "Lady Y/n, I have loved you since I first set eyes on you nearly a year ago. I have adored every second we spend together, and I want to feel like that for the rest of my life. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife and rule by my side as my Queen for the rest of our lives?"

Y/n's eyes filled with tears. "Yes," she cried, smiling brightly.

Caspian quickly stood, placing the ring on her finger before pulling her into a hug. His hand came up to rest on her face as he leaned in for a kiss.

"I love you so much," he confessed as they broke for air.

"I love you too." She glanced down at the ring on her finger. "It's perfect," she smiled. "This whole day has been perfect. Thank you."

"Anything for you."

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