Day One: George Weasley

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Prompt: The Yule Ball

"Hey Y/n!"

Y/n turned to see George Weasley chasing after her, his brother, Fred and Lee Jordan standing at the end of the hallway. She turned to face the approaching boy.

"What can I do for you, George?" She clutched the books in her arms closer to her chest.

She had been friends with George since she met him and Fred in their first year. They had many of the same classes together and she spent almost all her free time hanging out with them and Lee; she even volunteered to help Lee with the commentary since she was a terrible Quidditch player but loved watching the game, especially watching Fred and George play. They were very talented in her opinion, although anyone who could play a sport while staying balanced on a broomstick was more talented than her.

She liked spending time with them. They were funny, always playing jokes on each other or inventing new things. Lately, though, she had started to get feelings when she was around George. Her chest would get tight and her palms would get sweaty. She would blush when their eyes met and covered her mouth when she was laughing really loud. Sometimes, she caught herself wondering if George would think she was pretty when she admired herself in the mirror. Just a few days ago, she couldn't help but confess to one of her friends that she liked him. "Like, really like, maybe even more," were the words she used.

George stood up straight beside Y/n. "Can I walk you?"

Y/n was on her way to Herbology, a class that she didn't share with George. In fact, she was pretty sure he had a spare now, so why would he want to waste his free time walking with her?

"Of course," she responded hesitantly. She turned around and continued to class, George beside her. "No big plans today?"

"Oh, no. I have big plans for today." He smiled at her. Y/n raised her eyebrows, asking the silent question as to what those plans were. "Well, Fred and Lee have been on my case about this girl I've been crazy about almost the whole year. They told me I should ask her to the Yule Ball, but I've been so nervous, I haven't done anything but rehearse what I should say."

"Oh," Y/n sighed, the smile slipping from her features.

"Yeah, it doesn't help that she is super pretty and really smart—I mean she's taking Herbology when she doesn't even need to. Oh, and she's funny too; really good at coming up with jokes."

"She sounds amazing," Y/n said monotonously, trying to stop herself from crying or breaking down because her crush was confessing his love for some other girl.

"She is. There's just one issue."

"Oh yeah, what's that?"

George smiled. He rested his hand on her arm, making her stop walking and turn towards him. He met her eyes. "She can't seem to realize I'm talking about her," Y/n's mouth dropped open as she replayed his words, "even when I'm being really obvious." He raised his eyebrows, smirking slightly. "Or maybe I'm not being clear enough."

"N-no, you are," Y/n stuttered out. "I'm just clueless sometimes, especially when I'm around you." Her eyes widened and she brought a hand up to cover her mouth. "I didn't mean to say that," she whispered as she slowly lowered her hand.

"Oh?" George's smile faltered slightly.

"-I mean-" Y/n sighed loudly. "This isn't going very well," she mumbled to herself. "I like you too, George." She smiled brightly, seeing the smile return to his face as well. "Really, really like you."

"That's good, cause I really, really like you too."

They stared at each other for a few moments, grinning like idiots, some might say. A boy rushing past them, bumped into Y/n, knocking out of her blissful haze.

As she watched him run down the hall toward the gardens, she realized he was in her Herbology class. "Oh, I have class. I'm going to be late." She moved to start running after the boy, but stopped herself, turning back to George. She took a deep breath. "Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

George had never smiled so big in his entire life. "I would love to."

"That's great." Y/n pecked his cheek as she turned towards her class. "I'll see you at supper," she called, smiling at him over her shoulder.

George waved at her as she left. When she was out of sight, he pumped his fist, checking to make sure no one saw. This was the best day ever, and it wasn't even Christmas yet.

Sj_thefan's 12 Days of Ficmas 2019Where stories live. Discover now