Chapter 3: Doesthis answer your question

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Hey guys real quick just gonna say that when I put who's perspective it is I might just type Andy for Andrew mmmmmkay.
I sob into my pillow. I sometimes want to die, just,right,then,and there. My entire life is like a lyric from Blank Space "You can tell me when it's over,if the high was worth the pain". Someone knocks on my door "If it's Tammy ,buzz off" I say pewds opens the door "Andrew. I know you're not in the mood but, I need to ask you something" he says and closes the door then climbs up my bed and sits next to me almost hitting his head on the ceiling. "So, I'm thinking about proposing soon, should I do something extravagant, or keep it simple?" He asks OH...MY....GOD. Is all that goes through my mind."Uhhhhhhhhh."I say and stare out my window and see a white dove next to a blue jay. I climb off my bed to the birds, I open the window the blue jay flys away, but the dove stays. I hold out my hand and it comes on my arm "does this answer your question?" I say and he nods and walk out of my room.

Okay this was more of a paragraph than a chapter soooo um sorry...... But I well....there is no excuse this time.
-FrozenGurl btw thx Syd for correcting my wrong w/ writing dose in stead of does.....

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