Thank You

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Multiple days have past and Armin became more depressed each day. He hadn't seen Eren in about four days and he was leaving back to England soon. A week to be specific. "What's up your ass?" Reiner sneered, teasing.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Armin grumbled, eating his breakfast. After Eren had left, he was no longer in his optimistic mood.

"Relax, I was only teasing." He hummed, walking past him.

Reiner glanced down at Armin's journal, the book was opened on the drawing of Eren. He blinked, rubbing his eyes then looked at the drawing again to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. "Armin, who is this?" He began, picking up the journal and took a closer look. "What-or should I say-who the hell is Eren?"

Armin's eyes widened but quickly returned back to their normal state. "It's nothing. Now put it down will ya?"

It didn't take long for Reiner to catch on. "Is this the reason why you've been disappearing the first week we were here?" He scoffed, tossing the book onto the table they were eating at. "You're out here playing with some wild ass man?! You don't even give two shits about the research, do you?!"

"He's not just some wild man! He's a human being like you and me! a-and he's also showed me and taught me valuable things while I'm here. He's also sweet and gentle despite his size. He's got these beautiful green eyes that'll just take your breath away... " Armin defended. "He also has a name..."

"Yeah I know, it's Eren. I couldn't-wait... don't tell me you have fallen in love with this thing?! Are you sure he's even real?" He mocked, raising an eyebrow "Why doesn't he come out and show himself huh? Oh Eren! Eren!" Reiner then began to laugh, shaking his head. "I didn't know someone could be this smart and stupid at the same time"

Armin glared, standing up then slammed his hands on the table. "At least he treats me with respect!! He also truly cares about me unlike you! You're just an idiotic brute who thinks he can control me with a gun! You're self intitled, impulsive, and you don't think about anyone but yourself!!" Armin inhaled deeply before yelling once more. "You... You good for nothing asshole! You can't do anything else but shoot a gun!" After that, Armin instantly covered his mouth with his hands instantly regretting what he had said. 

Reiner chuckled darkly. "Is that so?" he said, looking Armin with an evil look his eyes. "If you want a mindless brute, I'll show you one" He instantly began marching over towards Armin, destroying everything in his path.

Frozen with fear, Armin stayed in place not moving a single muscle. It was all a blur to him. He suddenly felt Reiner's fist connect with his cheek, sending his little body to the ground. Armin's vision went burry when he tried to gain focus on his surroundings. He tasted metal, indicating that his mouth was bleeding. He tried to get up, but the hit was too much for his body to handle causing him to fall back down and hit his head. "Where's your savior now?" he grinned, getting ready for a second punch.

Suddenly, a strong firm hand gripped Reiner's wrist, prevent him from hurting the little one any further. "What the-" Reiner was cut off, by being twirled around to face Armin's savior. 

Eren stood in front on Reiner, his chest rising and falling rapidly since he was panting. He wasn't just angry with Reiner. He was pissed. Reiner was a bit more muscular than Eren but they matched eye to eye with height.

"You must be Eren.." He chucked, then threw a punch. Eren had amazing quick reflects so he easily dodged the punch. The brunette threw a punch at the strong blonde, making straight contact with his nose. A loud crack could be heard, signifying Reiner's nose was definitely broken. Blood flooded down his nose and dripped onto his shirt. Reiner let out a growl before trying to attack again. Eren quickly avoided by sliding through his legs and kicked him in the back.

Reiner let out a groan right before Eren hit him on the head with the shotgun, his world going black.

Eren instantly went to Armin, a small whimper emerged seeing the state his lover was in. "Armin okay?" he asked, slowly sitting him up. 'A-Armin?" He began to panic when Armin didn't respond. Eren then pressed his ear against Armin's chest, listening for a heartbeat. A few moments passed, Eren heard small thumps coming from his chest, causing him to sigh in relief. He put the boy on his back, a sparkle in his eyes when he felt Armin hold onto him. Eren then climbed into the trees, taking him back to his hut for safety.

"Thank you.." Armin croaked, opening his eyes for just a moment then close them and slept.


Armin groaned as he put his head in his hands, trying to ease his pounding headache. "Where.. am I?" He mumbled. He was laying on Eren's makeshift bed, which consisted of many animal hides layered on top of each other. They were actually very comfortable. There was a pillow made from animal skin stuffed with flower petals. He looked outside the hut to see that night time had arrived. Who knows how long he was sleeping. He then looked down, seeing his bruised wrists wrapped with animal skin and so was his head. Armin then turned his head towards Eren, who was gathering medical supplies for him.

It was silent between them but there was also tension, slight tension. He continued to stay silent as Eren aided his bruised cheek and the cut on his forehead, cleaning it gently. "Does this mean you forgive me?" Armin asked, breaking the silence.

"No. Eren still mad," Eren replied bluntly, focusing his attention on the cut by applying a cream made from plants to help the healing process. "Armin still leave Eren"

The boy sighed at the response. "I can try to extend the trip so I can stay longer. Will that make you happy?"

Eren shrugged, then nodded. "Armin stay with Eren.. forever.." he trailed off. He then got up and put the medical supplies away then walked over to Armin and laid with him, intertwining their fingers.

"I'll think about it." Armin whispered, kissing his head. "For now, just relax with me.."

"Armin hurt. Eren help" Eren stated, denying the offer. He then brought over a bowl made from tree bark filled with fruit and cooked insects. "Eat"

Armin gave a small smile and began to eat. "You know, staying here doesn't seem so bad.." he hummed, giggling to himself. "Especially if I get to be here with you.."

Eren gasped, whipping his head towards Armin. "Armin Stay with Eren forever?!" He smiled, holding back a squeal

"Yes, I'll stay with you forever." Armin agreed. "But! We need to set some rules."

"Eren has no rules." The older male grumbled, crossing his arms as he began to pout. "I know you don't but we need a few rules if we are going to live together. For heavens sake I barely know you!" Armin responded.

"We need to learn about each other before anything else."'

Eren thought for a moment and nodded. His eyes saddened before looked out the hut's entrance. If Armin wanted to learn about Eren then there was one place Eren knew where he had to take him.

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