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if you like this please comment down below and maybe share this fanfic with people you know. i really want to get this known. anywayyyy so theres lilo fluff in this fanfic too, because thats how i wrote the fanfic idea but i dont know if i will put a whole lot yet. its going to gradually get more and more. but right now, there won't be a lot of liam and there wont be zayn until like the end of the fanfic. so yay! anyway i hope you like it 

i dedicate this to one of my bigger voters yuyux3, because she has read this fanfic from the beginning and i guess she likes it. so i hope we can be great friends one day? who knows. 

words: 1806


I woke up, a large mass on top of my thin body. I look above me and notice a dozen blankets piled on top of each other. I don't remember falling asleep with all these blankets, but I didn't think anything about it. I just retrieved myself from the large mountain of warm underneath and stood in the freezing room. Harry's bed was already neatly made, he's probably out again, so he can skip out on church; like he did last Sunday. I went downstairs, to the smell of toast and cereal being made in the kitchen. I stretched my arms all the way up and took a glass from the cupboard to make some water. I didn't feel like eating today, but then again what's new?  

I sit myself at the table, feeling no welcome to the body in the kitchen. I haven't bothering to find out who the body was, I just figured it was Anne or Robin. The body did have heavy footsteps, so I assumed it was Robin. I wasn't going to start to a conversation, not now. I know I probably seem like a snob, but I just hate to intertude on anyone trying to do something. I don't want to interrupt anyone when they seem busy, and since the person hasn't talked, I doubt they want to talk anyway. 

I watched the rim of the water, sit in the glass. It was shaking, the same as my fingers against the clear glass. I felt the table sink down, a plate hitting it hard. I noticed a large torso sitting across from me, "You aren't eating, skinny freak?" I heard the smirk on Harry's face, I didn't say anything. I just finished the water and walked out. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him today; at least not this morning. Gemma soon joined me, dressed for the morning service on the couch. We waiting for Anne and Robin to finish readying themselves, when another body joined us on the couch. "What are you staring at?" Harry snapped, and we both went back to conversating. 

Harry was chewing something minty, I could smell the scented gum from here. I sat back in the couch, and watched the blank television. Soon, Anne called Gemma and I off the couch. Harry stayed seated while everyone left. I could see Anne wanted to ask him if he would come, but she only sighed off her son and walked out. Harry was dressed in nothing but his boxers. Harry smacked the gum while he flipped through the channels on the television and typed on his phone with his opposite hand. 

I followed Gemma inside the church, watching Anne and Robin walk off to some of their friends. I watched Gemma squeeze Niall's torso tightly, before Niall brofisted my fist. I chuckled, trying to listen to the two talk about their relationship and if they should let their parent's know. Apparently Gemma is going to ask Anne and Robin to go to Burger King for lucnh, after church, and Niall asks his parents and they will tell each their parent's that way. I could tell Gemma and Niall both sat nervous, while Niall held his girlfriend's hand. I felt my heart melt during the service. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole sermon the preacher was talking about. 

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