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i hope you like this chapter(I know its short but its larry fluff and much needed for the story to continue. so i hope you enjoy) 

i dedicate this to littlepixielou, because shes is my favorite writer since i started wattpad two years ago and i hope my fanfics can be as good as her some day. 

** read author notes at the bottom for a contest i am doing ** 

words: 1210


It's been a week since Gemma left, and that's caused non-stopped arguing between Anne and Robin. I haven't left my room in two days because I'm afraid too. When my parent's were fighting in London, I left my room and my dad hit me. I don't really feel like being hit anymore. Not by someone who isn't even my father. But on Harry, he's been gone for two days and Anne nor Robin seem bothered by it. It worries me that something bad has happened to him and that he was hurt. He has never been gone for this long, without coming back for at least an hour. 

The jacket I was engulfed in hugged my thin body, but it didn't make the November wind any warmer. I had it zipped to the top, but it wasn't working. I sighed and continued my way down the American streets. It was scary in America at night, or at least in California it was scary. I felt as if someone would come out and kill me in an alleyway. I was only out to look for Harry, to see if his body had gone missing or what not. I looked down every alleyway. Smelling strictly of weed and alcoholic beverages. I had to be careful not to cough. If I cough, the big guys could hurt me against one of these brink walls. 

I sighed, I am about to lose hope. How am I, a small body that doesn't know his way around this large ass city, supposed to find one boy? I turn back on my heels, trying to find the way home, when one voice stops me. "What you doing out here, freak?" I jump to the sound of the raspy, slurred voice. Harry sat high in his truck, his eyes hung over. I gulp, and try and back away, but end up slamming into a brink wall. 

Harry parked the truck on the side of the road, and walked up to me. "You gonna get in, or do you want to walk?" The words rolled off his tongue like a poem, a poem of dark, emotionless words that didn't mean a thing but to get in the truck. I ran over to the passanger side, my breathing quickened as he drove under the influence. "Do you want me to drive, Harry?" I mumbled under my own breath, but he just laughed uncomfortablly. I noticed his dimples popping out on either side of his face. It was like I could build a home in one of them. 

I kept my chuckle inside my thin body, when he stopped laughing, "No, I can drive just fine!" He smirked and sped up. He was running the speed limit by now, making my heart race. I felt aderline shoot through my blood system. "Where were you these last few days?" I found myself asking, but he didn't answer the question that sat on my mind all weekend. Gemma being away from home, I've gotten more thoughts over with. My thoughts are somewhat more organized, but not very orderly. They run a marathon, it seems, when I'm getting ready for bed. And I have noticed, when Harry's not in his room, my thoughts run faster. It's as if I'm scared or something. 

Harry stopped the car, surprisingly no policemen caught us, and I ran to the window. Harry was right behind me when made me run faster then I suspected I would. I climbed the side of the house, and ran to my side of the room before Harry was in. "Can you be anymore louder, you are going to get both me and you caught!" Harry was slurring every other word, before he laid back on his back and closed his eyes. I could tell he wasn't asleep, but he was tired. I turned off my lamp and rolled over on the bed. I was exhausted, but my thoughts were overpowering my tiredness levels. I wasn't going to fight them tonight, I let them win. I let my body sit motionless under the seats while I listened to everchanging thoughts. 

I was facing the wall, feeling the bed sink farther down then it normally fell. I noticed thick breaths on the back of my neck. Large hands made their way around my waist, my body before pulled closer to a stronger force. A soft tongue ran down my neck, my stomach deciding to explode the butterflies that it was holding. The butterflies soon replaced with full on aderline as the soft tongue made it's way up my jawline. I turned my body in the large forces arms, realizing this is Harry. I knew this was only the alcohol talking, but I let him do his thing. Harry's large arms gripped my waist, my hands squeezing the top of his bicep. I leaned my head back, giving his tongue an easier grip on my neck. His teeth clasping down on my collarbone. 

I gasped for air, my moans slipped from my thin, perched lips against each other. Harry slipped his large hands into my shirt, while he fumbled to get the shirt off. I felt uncomfortable laying naked with him, my body motionless. It froze on the bed, my thoughts still trying to figure out of Harry was still under the influence. But of course he would be, he wouldn't waste his time with me. He could have anyone he wanted, why would he settle for a guy like me; but he wouldn't want a guy. He would want a beautiful lady that has a beautiful body, something I don't have. 

Harry flipped me in his arms again, my back pulled to his hard chest. I wasn't aware of what this was, or if there was a name for it but it felt good. I felt his dark, deep breaths fall on the back of my neck. My face heated, I could feel my cheeks get redder every second he held me. I couldn't move, but I could tell he was sleeping. His snores rang like a sweet song in my ear. 

I bit my lip to hold in the giggle that wanted to fly out of my lips. I didn't want him to wake up. I actually liked him holding me. I knew this would probably be the last time for this to ever happen, so I wanted to enjoy his arms holding my thin body. I felt protected right now, and I will never forget this moment. Even if this is the last time, and Harry probably won't remember this in the morning. I still want to be in his arms, but to be completely honest with you, I just like being in someone's arms. I just like the feeling of being protected. Even if it is with Harry, I feel protected because I know no one will hurt me right now, but Harry may hurt me in the morning because I didn't stop him. 

I don't care, though, I liked it and that's what matters, however I do not love Harry. I will never love Harry. I just enjoyed tonight. It's like a one night stand, but with no sex involved in this. You understand that, right? 

so i wanted a new cover on this for awhile. and idk i just want to see what you guys can do. so if you want to make a cover for this fanfic please send to me via twitter 


and i will give you credit and everything. dedication on the next chapter! 

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