Chapter Three: Callan Cauffrey

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Hola! So glad I could update a little more frequently than last time, I think? I'm out of town this weekend so I knew I wouldn't have time to write, unfortunately, so I tried to get this one in as quick as I could, even though I'm screwing myself over by ignoring my chem and APUSH homework, but who cares. Anyway, please enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think!! I'm going to try to update once a week (which seems like never but the days go SO FAST for me, it's crazy, I'm so busy) but I also am writing "Off the FIeld" right now and that needs time to be written as well. So yeah, sorry if I'm late. Pic of Callan Cauffrey, the subject of this chapter, off to the side --->

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Three: Callan Cauffrey

“So what do you think of Kingswood so far?”

I looked at Becca’s smiling face and bright brown eyes, wondering how she’d react if I told her what I really thought, that CIA was crazy for sending me to the school. We were walking to lunch after Friday morning classes at Kingswood Prep, but though it’d only been four days since I started, I had already learned so much.

1.     My Spanish was far better than anyone, including myself, expected it to be.

2.     The only chemistry I knew consisted of wires, electricity, and explosions, not the atomic structure stuff they were learning.

3.     My knowledge of calculus was marginal to say the least.

4.     Government was going to be a hard class because, being in a spy agency, I had a slightly warped sense of what was legal and what wasn’t.

Not to mention I couldn’t stand all of the new girl questions I was asked – where are you from, what’s your favorite color, what’s your favorite class, what sports do you play? I barely knew the answers to any of them.

But at least I had Sam in most of my classes, as well as either Noah, Becca, Jessie, or all three. All of them were so accepting that it was almost scary, and having Noah Fitzgerald’s blue eyes smile at you from across the classroom really wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

And that made the day tolerable, so I pasted a smile on my face and answered, “It’s okay so far. Just a little overwhelming.”

“This must be crazy for you,” Becca said sympathetically as we walked out of the cafeteria line, clutching our trays, and were immediately hailed by a packed table. “This is loads more people than you’re used to going to school with, right?”

“Yeah, considering it was me and my mom,” I agreed with a laugh that sounded fake to me, though Becca didn’t seem to notice. She laughed too, and I felt my stomach shrink at how easily she believed me.

How did Sam do this?

Noah, Jessie, and Sam were already seated with a group of other guys and girls as Becca and I joined them. They were all talking and laughing and throwing fries at each other, but Noah paused in his food fight to pull out the chair next to him, grinning at me and gesturing for me to sit down. Smiling hesitantly, I sank into it.

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