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Again, there he was seated in front of the class. That Johnny- john? boy, if that was his name. As brian and I walked into the classroom, I quickly glanced at him and sit down next to brian.

"So are you excited for this lesson? Most students say the teacher is great." He excitedly asks I nod as I stare out of the window.

He taps me on the shoulder and I turn my head around to look at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah just a bit tired." I give him a weak smile and turn my head into the direction of the door, where the teacher just walked through.

"Goodmorning everyone, I'm Mr Walker and will give you music for the rest of the year." He smiles and looks around in the class. "What a shame that we have this less student which chose for music as a subject." He chuckles "you kiddos are making a good decision."

I turn my head to look at Brian, who has a huge smile on his lips. He looks at me and I raise an eyebrow. "What" he whispers. "Oh nothing, nothing" I chuckle and look at the teacher again.

"I'd like to know what everyone already can do, so...." he grabs some music sheets out of his bag and starts to hand them out "I'd like everyone to try to write down the notes which stand on the sheet."

He hands the papers out. As he lays one at my desk as I smile at him. "If anyone needs help, I'm right here."

I survived the day till so far, but I'm afraid that I won't anymore right now. It's lunch break. And I have no idea where to go, because I have no friends here.

In my old school I used to eat my lunch in the toilet sometimes. Bullies couldn't grab my food or kick my ass, pretty fine. Except for the bad ass smell...

I walk into the cafeteria and look around, maybe that I recognize someone. I grab my lunch out of my bag and turn around again, heading to the toilets. In the distance behind me I hear someone scream my name.

I turn around again and see Brian excitedly wave at me. I smile to myself and start to walk up to where he's sitting.

At my right there's a group of boys which look at me and whisper something to each other. I keep on walking, because I'm not up for any problems.

"Hey new boy!" I don't dare to look at them and keep my gaze at the floor as I keep walking. I hear him mumble something under his breath and before I know it they're all standing in front of me. 6 against 1 really brave, really brave....

"I was talking to you." One of the boys says in a stern tone. "Oh-uh I'm sorry." I look down and scratch the back of my neck. "What do we have here." The boy pulls my lunch out my hand. "This looks nice, can I have a taste?" The boys start to laugh and I look up again.

"Ca-can I please have it back?" I almost whisper. I never dared to stood up for myself, but I just felt some sudden wave of confidence.  But that was literally the worst decision. "Huh, did you- boys did you guys also hear something?" The boy cups his ear and comes closer to me.

"Caleb just give it back." One of the boys  says. Caleb starts to laugh and holds out his hand with my food in it. "Nawh I'm sorry, here you go."

I give him a weak smile and try to grab my food back. But before I can grab it he throws it away over my head and it lands in the bin.

"He shoots, he scores!" He throws his arms in the air and they all start to cheer and laugh. I quickly rush past them up to Brian's table. I fucking knew it, my days never can be normal.

"Hey, what was that about?" Brian asks as I approach him.

"No-nothing" tears start to form in the corner of my eyes so I quickly look down. Brian gets up from the table he sat on and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Rog why don't you sit down." he smiles kindly and sits down next to me. "Oh by the way, this is Freddie and that's John."

I look up at the name I hear him say. And again he's here. My heart skips a beat as I see the boy smiling shyly at me.

"Darling I'm not gonna hold out my hand forever." I quickly look away from John back to Freddie, who wanted to shake my hand.

"Oh-uh I'm sorry." I quickly shake his hand and smile at him.

"What was your name again dear?"
I stutter as I try to say my name, too much gazes sting on my skin. Especially John's one. Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

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