Interesting Gym Leaders?

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Q: What Gym Leaders do you think would make interesting Pokéfic characters?


"I've got a big list!
Morty, Jasmine, Roark/Byron (their whole family really), Gardenia, Fantina, Roxie, Elesa, Korinna, Valerie, basically all the Trial Captains, Milo, Kabu, Opal, and Raihan.
They just all have little bits of backstory, lore, and personality that could really be expanded on."


"I love Fantina (Ghost-type Gym Leader of Sinnoh). Honestly, any Ghost-type Gym Leader would be awesome to explore why they were drawn to a Pokémon typing that's traditionally seen as sinister.
Wallace needs more fics centered on just him, too!
I think that old grandpa Grass Gym Leader in XY (Ramos)could feature in a cute slice of life fic; like maybe he's wanting to retire from his job and takes up an apprentice to train and take his position."


an-tan_: "I think I'd like to c more of the bug type gym leader in Johto (Bugsy) or Candice from Sinnoh. They have really cute designs lol. I'd also like to see more of those psychic twins (Tate and Lyza) too like isn't that kinda cool??"


"The following gym leaders are what I think would make interesting Pokéfic characters:
Brock: He has a rather large family, so seeing that aspect in a Pokéfic would be interesting.
Tate and Liza: They're twins that battle alongside each other, not to mention are a bit underappreciated in my opinion.
Fantina: She's a Coordinator/contest fanatic AND a Gym Leader, which is unique and pretty cool.
Allistar: He hides his face behind a mask, so there's so much you can do revolving around that.
Piers: He has a pretty interesting back story.
Really, a lot of the Gym Leaders could make great characters, but these are just the ones that stand out to me the most.


sd1229: "I'd like to see a fic about how Viola and Grant met and became friends (and then eventually fall in love bc I totally ship them)"


_Micah-Drew_: "Maybe any of the Gym Leaders from Gen 5? They were all really cool and interesting as well!"


Rainbowgirl147: "I think the Gen 5 Gym Leaders would be interesting to read about. Like the Striaton City trio, Chilli, Cilan and Cress deserve some recognition. Or maybe that Gym Leader from Driftveil City, Clay. Oh, Brycen would be awesome too!"


glitterandasphalt: "Blaine! A fic that covers his story between Gen 1 and Gen 2. Or any part of his story for that matter."


Jalactic: "Pokémon Masters is really making me think a lot about Gym Leaders tbh I think Trainers of the same types would get along well personally, I'd like to see more of Nanu. He's a Kahuna, but still"


"So Sabrina is my absolute favorite Gym Leader to write about, but I also recognize that there's other interesting ones.

Candice is really interesting to me, with the fire of her spirit and the fact that she's so different from the other Gym Leaders. Why do they call her the 'diamond dust Gym Leader?'

Maylene is interesting to me because of the cameo with her in HG/SS where she's talking about training in Johto. Plus her discipline as a Gym Leader is fascinating. I think there's lots of room for character development.

Morty is cool in regard to his relationship with the city. I wonder what he's doing in an old city and what secrets he has up his sleeves.

Koga and Lt. Surge are open to a lot of character development in the same way. Like it's interesting how they're both warriors. How did they come to be who they are?

Clair is cool in the regards of a humbling story. What is her position in the training of dragons? I think a story maybe on a humanitarian level would suit her well.

From a writing perspective, I think Blue and Skyla are probably the ones with the most potential to write about though.

Blue Oak is fascinating. He's a prodigy, but not good enough to be the very best. And I think that eats him alive. Not to mention his grandfather and the dynamics of his family. He's probably expected to follow in the footsteps of a famous grandfather and it must put a lot of pressure on him. But does he become vain in response to that pressure or does he hide who he really is under that vanity? Plus not to mention how Blue matures and how Blue's friendships are formed. Does he give in to all of his fans and the ladies, or does his fame make him feel lonely?

Skyla is such a random person to choose but I view her as a Pokémon version of Amelia Earhart. She seems to be a pioneer who wants to travel and reach the sky. She reminds me a lot of myself. It seems like Skyla is the type of person that you'd sit down with at a bar, and you can't believe the kind of stories coming out of her mouth. She reminds me of Nick Rye from Far Cry 5, with that American spirit and love of flying. I could see her owning her own flying shop if she wasn't a gym leader. But I also think she would make a good astronaut. I feel like Skyla would take the same path as Alan Shepard, the first American in space. She would be a test pilot who would want to fly and push boundaries and do the impossible. Or fly to the moon..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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