First impresion

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Steven's Pov

Hyde was sitting in Forman's basement like always, when Jackie entered slamming the door a little too hard. He planned to ignore her, but she looked at him right in the eyes, she was crying man. She started to bite her lip so hard he was afraid it might bleed; she couldn't stop crying babbling words he couldn't understand at all. He was starting to get desperate, so he asked her:

-Jackie, what is wrong man? - She covered her face with her hands and said: -I... he cheated; he is a fucking cheater- and started crying again. Oh no this was bad, she found out Kelso cheated on her, that bastard, ok anyway he didn't care, this was not his problem, he reminded himself. So he said: - What are you talking about Jackie, i can't understand you with all that crying man-

She sat down right next to him on the couch and said:-Michael cheated, i saw him kissing Laurie and... i broke up with him-

-You what? - are you sure you two broke up? Because this happened before

-No! - she said raising her voice- it's over now, for good, i am done with him-

-Well if you say so...- he said looking at the door. Jackie stayed silent for a moment, he thought she would start crying again, but instead she got close to him and locked her arms around his neck. He could feel her wet tears in his neck, but for some reason it didn't bother him, so without thinking he hugged her, drawing small patterns in her back. I am not sure how much time had passed, when Jackie finally let him go, she cleaned her tears with the back of her sweater and said: - Sorry, i didn't meant to bother you, it's just...i feel so stupid that's all.

-Jackie, its fine, don't worry man, Kelso is a dumbass he cheats without thinking in the consequences. No one deserves to be cheated, not even you.

-Do you mean that? - She said really quietly

-what? That Kelso is an ass? Then yes

-No, that i don't deserve this-

-Emm yeah, i mean you are annoying as hell but you don't deserved that- she hit him on his arm and he laughed.

-Thanks Steven- she said and i nodded. So- she continued- do you want to go to the mall with me?

-Ah... No- and he stood up from the couch.

-Come on Steven please-she said doing her puppy face- i will buy you food and everything

-Fine- he said

-Okay- she said grabbing his hand and heading to the door.

The mall was fine, not that he would ever admit that out loud, but she was good company when she was not talking about cheerleading and money. When they returned to the El Camino, she started talking: - So Steven, i was thinking maybe tomorrow we could you know...- but he cut her off before she could finish.

-Stop Jackie, this was a onetime thing, is not going to happen again, understand? - he said laughing a bit. Oh man he wishes he wouldn't have done that, she started to bite her lip to prevent the tears, and after a minute she started crying softly.

-Oh man you are crying- he said looking at her, but she remained silent, so he said:-Jackie hey, it's going to be ok, everything it's going to be fine- She just nodded and said:-let's go home Hyde.

Hyde, she called him Hyde, which meant she was pissed at him, because he had been an ass. Fuck. She stops crying and just laid her head in the window, pretending to be looking outside. Damm it, this chick, why does it matter that she is mad? he shouldn't care, but he does. After a long ride they finally made it to the Forman's and before he could talk, she just opens the door and entered the house running. He followed her with the intention of talking to her, but when he came in to the kitchen; she was speaking to Mrs. Forman.

-Yeah... just to call my daddy- he heard her said

-Of course Jackie, no problem- Kitty said. -Well hello Steven, did you bring Jackie here?-

-Ahh yes- he said but she didn't even turn. Fuck she was really mad, but why? he thought that she knew they weren't friends, right?, just Kelso's ex-girlfriend. Or maybe she didn't think that and that's why she is mad. Damm it! He heard her hang up the phone and said:

-i have to go now Mrs. Forman thanks

-Oh honey, is your dad going to pick you up?

-Ahh no, he is busy but i will walk-

-No honey, nonsense, Steven can drive you, right Steven? Without thinking he said:

-Yes sure- but she immediately said- No thanks i have bothered Steven enough.

She sounded hurt, but he maintains his Zen. Then he took her by the arm and led her outside. Jackie tried to lose his grab but couldn't. So she said:-Let go of me Steven!

-Jackie listen, i didn't meant to be mean before, i just though you would die before hanging out with a scruffy guy like me, so i told you we couldn't hang anymore. I am sorry ok?

-So, it is not because you hate me? - she said holding down the tears

-I guess not- And then he saw her smile, wow she had such a radiant smile. God what I'm thinking? She just threw her arms around my neck pulling me into a hug and said:

-God Steven i am so happy you don't hate, because i like how scruffy you are- What did she meant by that?, that she liked me? Omg my heart is racing, stop! So i just hug her back trying to be cool about it, like my heart wasn't accelerated.

-Come on, i will take you home Jacks- She smiled and nodded softly

After dropping Jackie home, he went back to the Forman's, just thinking in the tiny cheerleader that somehow was all over his thoughts... God i am sooo screwed. 

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