Chapter 2 x

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Hi... I'm Annie...... What's up? :) So yeah! ...... Hi again. I'm so awkward. -.- 

Anyways, I'm AnnieHoranxxx............ yep. 

Imma go write now.




>Scarlett's POV :)< 

I'm no rebel. I'm just Scarlett Greg, the  sixteen year old nerdy girl in high school. The one with a few friends and isn't known by everyone. The girl who says 'Excuse me,' to the older year groups as they push past me. I'm not a someone, i'm just me. 


I opened my eyes lazily to the blinding light as my older brother, Jake, opened my blinds. 

"What are you doing?" I asked looking over at the clock to see it was only eleven thrity. 

"Getting you up!" He laughed but I frowned.

"But it's a Saturday." I whined, batting my eyes and giving him my best look.

"So?" He shrugged, "Anyways, mum wants you up." 

I groaned loudly and flung my feet out the bed. Jake was looking at me weird and I frowned. I looked down. I'm decent, what's he starring at? I shrugged it off and walked over to my wardrobe. 

"It warm outside?" I asked, trying to think of what to wear.

"Warm enough," he chuckled. 

That means it's cool. I found the only pair of light jeggings I own and flung them on the bed before reliesing Jake was still in my room.

"Get out then!" I pointed at the open door. He nodded and walked towards the door, "And close it on your way out!" I shouted as he was about to walk out without doing so.

I flicked through my tops before finding a red checked shirt. I also lay that on my bed as I pulled out a white strapless bra and undies. I began to undress when I noticed the blinds were still open. I quickly shut them before returning to my small task. I put on some deodorant before actually putting on my clothes. I threw all my dirty washing into the basket and sat down at my dressing table. I scowled at my appearance whom of course, scowled back.

(Scarlett in picture there >>>>)

I picked up a hair brush and quickly ran it through my hair. I scooshed a little foundation from my half empty bottle and spread it across my pale face. I put on a little mascara after rubbing in the foundation then put on some red lipstick and a little blusher to bring out my cheeks. I put on my black ray ban glasses over my green eyes. I stood up and walked over to my shoe closet and pulled out a pair of white vans. 

I walked down the stairs, grabbing my IPhone4S and money on the way out my room. Mum was making pancakes, which I did not eat and Jake was playing Xbox. 

"Now be careful," my mum said as I grabbed my satchel and pushed everything into it. 

"I will be mum, I'm only going out for a bit." I smiled as I walked out the living room.

"Right then," she smiled back, "Just phone me if you arn't going to be home for tea!" She shouted as I walked out the front door.

The cool, refreshing air hit my face like water and a smile automatically formed on my face. I walked down the few steps leading to the pavement and began to walk along the street towards my friend, Jennas' house.

There was a short cut, it was a park I could walk through to get there faster, but all the people I hate go there... Oh well. I crossed the street, making sure no cars were coming and hopped onto the pavement. I walked through the gates as I pulled out my phone to tweet or something so I didn't have to make eye contact with the people I walk past. I walked past a few people before seeing a boy in the year above me, Craig, sniffing up some cocaine. I scoffed as he unrolled his fiver and pushed it back into his pocket. I banged into a pole and my glasses and phone fell to the ground.

'God, I hope he didn't see that,' I thought to myself as I picked them up and my cheeks started to burn from turning red. I placed the glasses back onto my face. 'That would be embarrasing.'

I continued to walk until I reached Jenna's house. I knocked on the little white door when her little sister answered and just starred at me.

"Hello," I began and gave her a awkward smile which made things even more awkward as she didn't return it. "Is Jenna in?" I asked and the small girl scowled at me. 

"Jenna," she shouted crossing her arms, "someone's at the door." 

"Coming!" I heard Jenna shout. Me and the girl stood awkwardly until Jenna arrived, ready to go. "Hey!" She smiled and flung her arms around me. 

"Hiya," I giggled as she unhooked herself from me. 

"Mum i'm away out! Byeeee!" She shouted before slamming the door shut. "Ready for a party?" She grinned.

"What party?" I asked confused.

"Steves party!" She squealed.

"Do we have to go?" I whined but she nodded. 

"Yes. There are going to be fit boys from the year above!" I rolled my eyes. Looks like I'm going to a party tonight.


When we arrived the place was booming and lots of people I didn't know were jumping around.

"I don't want to be here," I turned to Jenna and frowned but she already had a drink in her hand and a boy at her lips.

I rolled my eyes as I heard a bunch of girl squeal. I turned around to see Craig high fiving Steve and another guy I don't know. I watched carefully as Steve pulled out some cocaine and handed it to Craig. They both laughed stupidly, obviously already high. 

"So, which one of you want it tonight?" He smiled at all the innocent girls squealing over him.

"Me!" One shouted.

"No! Me!" Shouted another. 

"I'm sure I have enough time for all of you!" They all laughed.

'Tonight my friend,' I thought to myself, 'will be your worst nightmare.'

And I was right. 

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