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Copyright 2014 Zariah

A sort of happy poem to lift your spirits from the last one. Almost up to 200 reads! Yay! Thanks ♥♥

I searched and searched

Wanting to find that perfect person

But I found you

You were different

You weren't like the others

The heart of yours seemed so hard but I softned it

Your mind moved in different directions but I could not follow

But I wanted to figure it out

And somehow each day you drew me closer to you the more I was around you.

I wanted to be by your side

Never wanting that happy feeling to go away

I stayed

This closeness made us stronger

I would have never thought of being with you but I am

And I wouldn't regret the time I shared with you

It revealed something within us

Yes we are different, but we are united

I thought of Beauty and the Beast when I wrote this.  I mean it makes since they were total complete opposites, but they ended up loving each other.  But this poem was more of a shared memory I had a couple years with a guy, soo yea that's kind of why I wrote it. :) Soo I hope you all have a wonderful night or morning wherever you might be. Love you all. ♥♥♥♥♥


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