Ch.3 IAH

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When we had entered the house, the first thing I was greeted with was a foul smell and a mess. The smell of death rotted the room, the blood on the floor stained my imagination. The takeout box that had long gone molded on the floor. The clothes both male and female lingering on the couch.

My eye twitched at the sight, Kyle just stands there rubbing his neck. "Sorry I had to kick my old roommate out last minute, she wouldn't leave till this morning, I didn't have time to clean..." he awkwardly chuckled out.

"Yeah, that's not a problem. I like to clean, where shall I put my bags?"

His eyes widened at my question, he looks at me for a second and then chuckles before running upstairs where I believe I will be sleeping. I put down my backpack onto the floor. I walk over to the couch and situated myself on the one spot that's remotely clear.

My eye twitches again. I stare at a black TV screen surrounded by a pile of filth. I cared but not enough to leave. He's a ...little bit messy but nothing I can't deal with. We are destined for each other. So it's fine.

+×+-+×+-+×+-+×+Kyle POV+×+-+×+-+×+-+×+

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. He's a lot cuter in person than I was expecting. And he likes to clean. I feel my crotch twitch with the thought of him in an naked only an apron covering his bare body. Damn he looks so fuckable. God, Dammit. Calm down, Calm down, Calm down. Let's not scare him. Take your time, break him down than fuck him, than kill him. ...Trash...Trash...Trash...

Fuck, I almost forgot about my "roommate". I opened my closet door, I push my clothes aside to see a mirror. The mirror of death. I press my finger upon the pad, opening it up. I stomp my foot at the entrance to announce my presence. Even though she probably already knows. Beep...Beep...Beep... The sound of my heart tracker rings as I slowly walked down the stairs. BeepBeepBeepBeepBeep, As I stomp harder and at a quicker pace the monitor flashes with a satisfying sound following its rhythm. I slow down when I get close to the end of the staircase.

I stare at the darkest corner. "Babyyyy...Are you here?" I take a step forward in that direction. "Baby, did you wait for me?" Hearing no signs of movements I quickly look around, I stare at my watch. Is this shit broken. I start pacing around. I look up the stairs, there's no way she would have escaped. I continue pacing around. "Baby this isn't funny!" I swipe my hands across the table, dropping my tools on the floor. I hear a faint gasp and the jingle of chains.

My face softens as a wide grin appeared. "Found you." I walk towards where the sound appeared. I reach my hand out grabbing whatever I could grasp on. "No more games baby. It's time to say goodbye. I've found my 26th wife." I pull her around the room, just for fun while she tries screaming but it comes out muffled. "You must understand number 25, I don't want him frightened by......sudden.......noises."

I grab her hair and proceed to bang her head on the floor a couple times. "That wasn't very nice, baby." I grab the knife that she stabbed my foot with. Licking the blood off it I stare at her menacingly. I push her half-conscious body onto the death chair, locking her chains onto the grip. I let her regain herself before looming over her. She stares at me with those bright frightened eyes.

I gawk at my perfect creation. I did this. I made her beautiful. I peck her lips feeling the stitches rub against mine. If only she didn't bite me so many times. "Beautiful. So beautiful." I observe as her tears graze down her ripped up cheeks. "You were beautiful when we met, but I made you perfect. Remember that in your next life." I shove my hand on her face covering her eyes while her neck bulges out. I place the knife at her neck. I slowly dig deeper...It's not enough. "How about one for memories?" She doesn't move showing her defiance. I chuckle at how many times I had to train her just for her to disrespect me once more. I slap her across the face. "One more and your free, You ungrateful whore."

Her shaking hands grasp onto my belt unbuckling it and my pants. Her hands struggling to rub my hard on. Everything about this situation turned me on.

Placing the knife back at her neck, she slides her hands into my briefs and continues to rub my bare cock. I press the knife deeper against her skin cutting the first layer of skin. My rod twitched as the warm liquid dripped onto it. More. I cut another layer as blood gushes down flooding my rod in its warm embrace. I felt her hands slow down as her hands turn cold. "Did I tell you to stop?" Shakily she fastens her pace, using both hands she smears her blood, as she tightly strokes my member, mimicking the enclosed feeling of a mouth

Feeling the similar tingly sensation of reaching my peak, I grab the rope that hung on the side and swiftly tugged it. The blade that was indented into the chair comes out at the same pace slicing her neck in half. I take my last breath before I cummed on the emotionless head.

I smile as I kiss the stainless forehead, then proceed to put it on the desk next to the chair. I walk towards the pair of chains hanging on the ceiling and lying on the floor. I trace the engraved name, which read 'ADAM'. I smile to myself. Don't Deceive Me. Grabbing the neck chain I kiss it soft.

Disposing the headless body into a garbage bag, I walk upstairs to take a quick shower. Leaving the bathroom with just a towel, I walked downstairs to see my previous mess was cleaned. There wasn't a spec of dust crumbs or even blood. I look across the living room to see Adam passed out on the couch with my ex's apron on. My heart thumped in my chest as my cock stiffened.

Oh how fuckable my wife looks.

I walk over to him slowly getting on top of him. "Baby...Do you know how defenseless you look right now...What if I killed you...right now. What would you do?" His face scrunched up but soon softened as he turned his body to face me. A line of drool painted his lips. "Baby..." Seeing no response, I wipe the spit of his lips with my thumb. I licked my thump as I smiled down at him. "You taste good."

I leaned down and kissed his forehead and kissed down to his neck. "Your smell makes me want to eat you...Don't let anybody else eat you before me. OK baby?" I kiss his collarbone and slowly began licking that spot.

He twitches once again, while he switches sides. I slowly push him back to my side and began touching him under his shirt. His hands slowly grasped onto mine. "M-Master..." He mumbled. I didn't know what emotion I was feeling but I felt the pit of my stomach drop.


If you say this has some Killing Stalking type shit. You're fucking correct. Even though KS is fucked up, u gotta admit its fucking good that's y some people still read it.

Also guess what IAH means. Just wanna do something fun. Comment if you think u know.


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