Time for Supper!

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Ally's POV

As Wednesday called me to sit down with the rest of the family for supper, I couldn't help but wonder about the scratched up portrait in the family tree. It's truly none of my business, but curiosity never stops getting the best of me. I wonder who the daughter might be...

I can't help but hope for a miracle, but in what world would that kind of coincidence occur? The only time I started acting so similar to the Addams was after my surgery and coma. But still, it would be nice to have some family somewhere out there. It sucks to believe you're all alone in the world...

As I sat down with Uncle Fester and the children, I noticed the dining table held quite the interesting feast ahead. I saw how a huge pot of a pitch-black and gooey substance stood in the middle of the table as the "main course". To man kind the whole table held dishes that didn't deem possible to digest, but thinking back to the display I held early and not wanting to be rude I held my face neutral.

"Have some retina pudding and snake tails!" said Grandmama as she served the dishes she mentioned. "My favorite!" Pugsly commented as he digged in to the atrosity of a dinner.

"Come on! Dig in!" Uncle Fester encouraged, I noticed Wednesday eating with no disturbance. Somehow, her reaction put me a bit at ease but It was no different to any other reaction she makes. 

I took my spoon an picked up some retina pudding, a bit disturbed, but put on some balls and quickly tasted it. "...Wow, surprisingly sweet!" I say in disbelief.

"Now try the snake tail!" said Grandmama, I took a bite and my eyes widened in enjoyment. "Salty, but pleasant. They compliment each other so nicely!" "Every time," Morticia looked proudly to her mother as she walks in the kitchen. with her lovely husband next to her. "Mm! Retina pudding! Household favorite! I assumed you've outdone yourself like always Grandmama!" Gomez speaks, pulling a chair for Morticia to sit in and then sitting himself.

"You flatter me son," Grandmama serves him his plate while playfully fanning her face with her hand.

Some moments pass of small talk and grace periods of silence as we dine and enjoy each other's company. Above all else, I'm surprised that Wednesday is starting conversation with me. things ranging from deadly viral diseases to demons with the most complex names. This conversation gets very passionate until Morticia clears her throat getting everyone es attention at the table.

"Everyone, Gomez and I have had quite an eventful day full of many surprises. Along with longings we didn't know we had that we must satisfy" she holds his hand as she continues to speak. "This is very sudden since we have just met you, Alexandra, and we would never force you to anything that you are not absolutely comfortable with.."

As she continues to speak, my stomach as churns in anxiety but somehow also with excitement as I cling to the little bit of hope of what I assume she's suggesting.

Please, for once, let me be right.

"Angel, we would like to spend some more time with you so you can get to know us and possibly consider us to adopt you."

My eyes widen and my eyes sting with unwanted waterworks flowing, by instinct I cover my mouth with my hand in shock.

"The house likes you, I presume the children get along with you well!" Both children nod aggressively to Gomez's words "When I saw you earlier today, I saw something that I've only ever seen in myself years ago. The yearn to feel alive the way that only us Addams can understand. That unnerving passion that cannot be broken by any other force that dare challenge your might! I saw a lost girl in need of a loving family, and you won't leave here without knowing that you have one right here in front of you all for you!"

As his words continued to fill my heart I found myself wiping tears. I felt so full, I've never felt whole before.

"I know you didn't come here looking for an adoption interview and that this is sudden and that you barely know us," he chuckles "but if you are open to the idea we can get to know each other and the second you feel uncomfortable you are more than able to back out!"

His words were like a hug, a warm secure hug that let you know you were never going to be hurt ever again. The stability and security in his words made me more confident in my decision and wish that I've daydreamed since I've met them.

"Since I've met you guys, I've wanted to get to know you and be closer to you both. Learning about Wednesday, and the luck that I've been given to meet her has made me so happy! Your company and home, your children, everything! It's all so-" I stifle trying my best to deal without sobbing "I've never felt... safe. And safety is all I've felt since you all have welcomed me here. I feel at home, like I have a family, like I have love."

As I continue to cry Morticia stands and hurries to me wiping my tears "We fell in love with you the second we saw you! My sweet don't cry" I laugh in between my tears feeling unknown safety from her cold delicate hands. "With us you will never shed sorrowful tears again, not in our watch!" Everyone at the table agrees loudly.

I turn around to see Uncle Fester and Pugsly crying profoundly, Gomez drying his few tears with the handkerchief in his blazers pocket, and Wednesday smiling with this caring look in her eyes. And grandmama drying her tears with a tissue as well.

"What do you say?" Says Morticia with a motherly look I've never experienced before. She holds my face with her hands gently caressing my cheek with her thumb time-to-time.

At the orphanage I've never been fully comfortable, my friends are nice and Miss Johnson has always been like a mother to me. But, no one ever considered me as a potential adoptive daughter. I've never been good enough, so eventually the walls in that place became bitter and lonesome to me. My hope drained and sadness ruled me, all worsened by my cancer.

But now, hope blossomed inside of me again. And I'm not gonna let it slip. I've been blessed with a family and I'm not gonna take that for granted. That pain and sorrow I can embrace into these feelings only and Addams can understand.

"I would be honored to be your daughter" I saw smiling with some involuntary tears rolling down my cheeks.

"And I your mother" says Morticia wiping them and kissing my forehead and pulling me to a hug

"And I your father!" Says Gomez pulling out a sword from God knows where and in celebration throwing and pinning it to the wall across the room.

"And I your sister!" Says Wednesday joining the hug
"And I your brother!" Says Pugsly joining as well
"And I your Uncle!" Says Uncle Fester as he slams his fists on the table in celebration, all the food jumping from the table and sticking unnaturally to the ceiling.
"And I your Grandmama! Count on me for the best food of your life" said Grandmama having all of us laugh at her well deserved confidence in her cooking.

Morticia backs up from the hug having one good look at me again with loving eyes. Giving me a chance to stand, I go to Gomez and give him a hug and he embraces me firmly and securely as he gives a fatherly laugh rubbing my back gently.

"We were told that for the next 6 months you shall live with us and get acquainted. And when that time is up, your adoption will be legalized at a hearing and you will be fully with us!" He says holding my shoulders.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. That'll be annoying" I say my face dropping a bit.

"We shall wait what we must, and that'll give us plenty of time to settle your room and everything else you'll need to be settled!" Morticia rests her hands on each of her children's shoulders.

Gomez gives one last joyful sigh as he rests his hand once again in my shoulder looking at me and saying.

"You are proudly now an Addams!"


Hey guys! It's definitely been a long time since I've given some love to this story. But I'll do my best to get my crap together to continue this story!

Thanks to all those who have supported this story by adding it to reading lists and anything in general even if it's small :) ♥️

Have a nice day/night!

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