Chapter 3 Pt 1

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Here you were, in Heart Stone Troll Market. You were too shocked by it's beauty to speak.

"This is..." Said Toby.

"Yeah." Said Jim.

"Woah..." Said Toby.

"Pretty Much." Said Jim.

"This is your home?" You asked as you all began walking down the steps.

"Troll Market is home and hearth and sanctuary to all good trolls. This way my friends. There is much to see." Said Blinki and be continued to lead the way.

Toby and Jim did a down low high five, and you still rode on Arrrgh's back.

"Dang! And here i thought the only thing underneath our town was dirt and plumbing." Said Toby.

You all walked through troll market with Blinki leading the way, the humans in the middle, and Arrrgh behind you. Most trolls didn't notice you walking by, but you were still nervous. You had gotten down from Arrrgh's back, but still stayed close to him for protection.

"Stay Close. Human feet have never graced the ground of Troll Market before." Said Blinki.

"Don't need to tell me twice." You said to yourself.

"Humans?" Said a female troll as you walked by.

You turned to the troll scared you had been noticed. Arrrgh put an arm infront of the three of you.

"Friends." He said with a protective growl.

To all continued to walk.

"This is crazy! Tell me you're getting this Tobes!" Said Jim.

"Already on it." Said Toby taking out his phone.

You past a place with alot of meowing. The sigh had a cat with x's for eyes. A cat butcher shop. You gulped. I guess all trolls like cats, and according to Arrrgh I smell like one. Great... You also passed by a tattoo parlor, where trolls were getting tattoos carved into their stone flesh.

"Hi!" Toby said to them before taking a photo.

Toby took lots of photos of the tolls, who were none to happy with it. You all passed by under some crystal structures. Both you and Toby's eyes lit up.

"Check it out!" Said Toby.

"Peridot, Topaz, Cassiterite!" You both said in sync.

You both then gasped and put your hands to a rock.

"Kornerupine!" You both said.

Hearing a breath you both looked up to see an angry troll. It growled at you.

"Hi!" Said Toby.

"S-sorry!" You said.

You both ran back to the group, you staying right by Arrrgh's side again which was becoming the usual. You saw a troll make a tv go to static. Did they like static tv? 

"Your knowledge of minerals is almost troll like, you two." Blinki complemented.

"So all your kind live here?" Asked Jim.

"Trolls travel from afar to our market to find comfort and remedies. You'll find most anything you need, and sometimes you'll find what you never knew you needed." Said Blinki.

You then heard scurrying all around you, and looked down to see a little Nome. It was so cute.

"Oh hey cutey. You have such a cute little hat!" You said with a smile.

You knelt down and reached out your hand to it. It growled and showed razor sharp teeth. You immediately retracted your hand.

"And pointy teeth!" You said shocked .

AAARRRGGHH!!! X Reader The Troll's FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now