Chapter 7

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A/N: this chapter will be told in nicks pov. I'll try to switch pov every now and then so you can better understand their feelings and later on development:)

It was finally time for us to hang out, I've only really talked to kaleys brother once at the party, but from what I've seen he's super overprotective which worries me a little. I walk up and after hesitating a little, knock on the door hoping kaleys the one who answers.
"Oh hey." Brenden greets me
Well at least he's not mad.
"Hey is kaley home?" I ask
"Not yet she's been gone for like two hours, she went to the graveyard" this made me really anxious because of what she told me.
"She texted me she was on her way home half an hour ago. It's not that far right? When I passed she wasn't even at the graveyard." I explain.
"Shit shit shit!" Brenden yells "I BET ITS THAT SATANIST BITCH!"
Hearing him yell like that's kind of terrifying but I understand where he's coming from, I can't help but be pissed off too.
"Let's go over there, we can't let this keep happening, I heard so many things already about her. I said
"Alright, I'm gonna text Austin and aubrey in case Alaina pulls something and we get stuck there too."
Then it hit me. What if kaley isn't there? Given what I heard happened last time I bet she is, but there's a chance she isn't so just in case, I told brenden to text katya to look around.
When we leave we see Noah who told us
"I actually saw kaley get snatched with my own eye holes" who the fuck says eye holes? I thought to myself
"AND YOU DIDNT STOP IT!?" Brenden shouted
Noah shrugged "ehh, I myself snatch kids" he winked
"We don't have time for this" I say as I walk faster to Alaina's front door. It only took one knock for her to answer the door.
"Yeah?" She asked
"Where is she?" I demanded
"Not sure what you mean, I haven't seen any she's for a while now, only men live here including mysel-"
I shove her to the side as Brenden and I walk in.
"GET OUT MY HOUSE" she screams
"Or what? You'll prick my voodoo doll?" Brenden taunts as I search the house.
It wasn't long until I went in the basement where I found kaley in a chair with her mouth duck taped
"Oh my god! What did she do to you?" I say lividly and remove the duck tape from her mouth.
"Nick you have to leave it's not safe, she's actually crazy. She's hiding something, in the closet I-" she stops talking as she stares behind me, when I turn around I see ramon. I was about to hit him but he started helping and whispered "hurry" brenden hurried down the stairs saying "the lunatics tied up, Austin and aubrey are on their way, I think it'd be best to tell the police honestly." Ramon shakes his head viciously "you can't! I tried! She just comes for you more. She has connections, everyone has a price." She deserves to be locked up, lord knows what else she's done. Austin and aubrey come in, aubrey says "wow there's a tied up mrs Graff and no ones gonna explain?"
"I'm sure you can guess, look at kaley, she's even bruised" I say noticing her arms. "What happened?" I ask her "what did she do to you before we were here?" Kaley takes a deep breath "she told me I was going to be her doll but better, her perfect daughter, and wife, and if I didn't agree I'd get tied up, if that still didn't change my mind I'd die. In her closet there's a lot of .... weapons, and there's a life sized doll of me, Ramon, and some other girl. It's terrifying" she starts crying so I hug her. "It's fine. You're fine now, be more careful please."
Brenden says "from now on have someone go with you, get me, nick, aubrey, sheyenne, whoever's available." She nods but knowing her she's pissed he's treating her like a baby.
"I'm glad you texted us, but what do you need us for?" Austin asked
"You never know if she would've tied us up too" Brenden explained
"Doubt it, she's a little lightweight troll. She's lucky to get kaley only because she's thinner." Aubrey said chuckling. Suddenly I get a call from katya. "Is she okay?? I didn't see her! I don't even know where to look, I'm such a horrible friend-" she rambled only stopping when I interrupted her "she's fine and will be home very soon, you're welcome to come see her?" She immediately hangs up after saying I'll be there. We all go back across the street to their house. It's darker by the time katyas there and she brought a boy. "This is mj. We've been seeing each other for awhile now, i know this isn't a good time but I just wanted to see you after hearing you were missing. I was scared to death" she explained going to embrace kaley. "How long have you known katya?" Aubrey asked mj
"Since nicks party a few weeks ago, she's got a big ass."
"Very cool" aubrey says obviously thrown off a little.
"She's honestly the only girl I've thought was worth commitment in awhile. I really like her" mj said. Well I guess he's sweet in his own way.
"That's how I feel about Skylar. She's just so special to me, I can't imagine myself cheating" Austin adds. I noticed kaley had gone outside while everyone was talking so I followed her.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" I ask her
"Huh?" She looks over clearly cold " a blanket maybe" she giggles
"No. Your male escort of course" we laugh
"Don't get me started on that now. I hate that I'm still a baby to him"
"He just cares so much for you, hes worried"
She looks down and sighs "I know. It's just, I'll never be seen as an adult to him, I can't get anything right though, my emotions are a mess and so am I, I got kidnapped basically twice in less than a month." She ranted
"You need to believe in yourself more. You didn't ask to be kidnapped. Trust me, you're not a mess" all she did was smile. "Why'd you come out here anyway" I ask trying to make her talk and solve my own curiosity.
"Sometimes I just need air. Plus they were talking about something I can't relate too much, my love life's been dead for a year."
"I don't see why" I say "you seem great"
She laughs "yeah I seem"
"Prove me wrong then...well? Guess you can't. I win." She smiles "I guess you do. I'm sorry we didn't get to go out tonight or anything like we planned" she said sad
"Again not your fault. And I mean we're hanging out right now aren't we? I'm just happy you're okay." She looked at me and honestly I was going to kiss her again but before I went in she kissed my cheek and said "we should go back inside before they think I'm kidnapped again." So she grabbed my hand and we went inside. She confuses me, I kind of thought she wasn't interested since we didn't text too much and I thought she regretted our kiss, but then she kissed my cheek, and grabs my hand? I stop thinking about it when we're inside so I can just not worry.
"What were you two doing outside?" Aubrey asked
"Don't tell me you fucked him in the front yard, this cold ass weather?!" Austin asked amused
She rolled her eyes "come on, I'm a child of god." Which brought us all to the childish game part of the night, you'd think kids would stop playing spin the bottle at like 13 but nope. We played never have I ever and then it came time for spin the bottle. First it was me and katya. I already knew I wouldn't kiss her, it'd be wrong as she has a boyfriend. Plus I dont want to. When we go in she pushes herself against me and tries to kiss me, I look away "what are you doing kat?"
"Playing the game. Come on, don't tell me you're too scared to do it."
"Not scared, kind of disgusted"
"Wow, uncalled for dickhead"
I laughed "I'm kidding" I kissed her on the forehead. Katyas been my friend for awhile, she used to have a crush on me so I'd never do anything to give her the wrong idea. Finally after what felt like forever we left the closet. Next was kaley and aubrey, I don't know why but I felt kind of worried. I don't think they see each other like that, but they are both single and what if they're like katya and are just 'doing the game'. These seven minutes were even longer than katya and i's to me. But finally they left, they were laughing but didn't look like they were that close thank god. Then aubrey and Austin had to go next and we all joked saying we heard noises. After a few more spins kaley and I had to go. Which I was actually looking forward to, more than katya at least. When we were in the closet she kissed me, which I wasn't expecting. I debated on asking if she kissed aubrey but I guess I shouldn't really be worried.
Finally everyone was tired of this stupid game and went back to talking.
Mj came up to me "did you and katya kiss!?"
I shook my head. I felt like I shouldn't tell him how she wanted to kiss me. "Kaley went in the closet with her too why haven't you asked her?"
Mj raised a brow "because that would be gay? Kaley, did you kiss katya?"
She laughed "yeah I've never kissed a girl so why not" she blew a kiss at katya and katya giggled
"That's hot." Mj said
"Did you kiss aubrey too." I couldn't help but ask
"No we just talked." She said, her smiles gone
"I did though" Austin said jokingly
"You should've kissed me boo bear" mj said to Austin.
Alright this is getting to weird for me now. "I'm gonna head home now guys." I say
Kaley looks up "you can stay if you want, it's really late, any of you can."
"Well I am pretty tired so I will" I said.
Everyone ended up staying except katya which was kind of weird as we only just met mj, but he fit in well with us, more than katya to be honest. "Where can I sleep?" I ask
"Kaley can show you" brendens lazy ass says
Kaley gets up and leads me upstairs to a spare room. It was a huge house for highschool kids, jeez. "Thanks" I say to her "yeah let me know if you need anything. I'm kinda tired too so I'm going soon myself." She yawns
"Will do" I said. She stood there for a minute contemplating to say something I guess, but walked out to the room across from mine, I guess that was hers. After staring at the ceiling long enough, I finally fell asleep.
~the next morning~
I wake up and get out of bed, I look out into the hall, in kaleys room she's in a bikini picking up her hair. I get up, go behind the door and knock gently trying not to open it more.
"Yeah?" She says finishing her ponytail
"Just wanted to see what you're doing. I just woke up."
"Oh I'm going swimming, austin and Skylar are already, Brenden and sheyenne are gonna join. You should come."
"Sure I'll be down in a bit"
I go back, take off my shirt, and I guess I'll just get my shorts wet or borrow something of brendens.
I walk downstairs and to the pool outside
"When did skylar get here?" I ask Austin
"Last night" he winked
"You better not have got my spare bed dirty!" Kaley yelled fixing a drink "You're cleaning it if you did" she takes a sip.
"Fair enough" Skylar laughed
I get in the pool, kaley and brenden join.
It was pretty fun to be honest. Or it was until we noticed Noah over in the corner.
Kaley got up and grabbed a broom "SHOO! IM CALLING ROMAN FOR YOUR BALLOONS!"
He called her bluff I guess because he didn't leave. Aubrey went up and talked to him and he ended up staying. We accepted Noah but we heard a scream from next door. Alaina's house. And curiosity got the better of us...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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