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Kaminari grunted in pain as something punched him in the gut, he slowly cracked his eyes open only for them to widen in fear as he saw Mineta standing in front of him with a nasty smirk on his face.

He attempted to move his arms but they refused to budge, a quick glance upwards showed that they were being held in place by Mineta's stupid balls a quick jerk in his legs showed that they were equally stuck.

"You can struggle all you want but nothing will detach them" Mineta remarked smugly as he walked even closer to Kaminari who just glared at him as he attempted to use his quirk only for nothing to happen. He gasped in shock which seemed to please Mineta a great deal if the condescending laugh was anything to go by.

"You didn't think I would let you have free rein of your quirk did you?" He asked smugly as he gestured to the blonde's neck and that's when Kaminari became aware of the heavy feeling around his neck.

"That's a quirk cancellation collar around your neck" He stated proudly and Kaminari's gave him a vicious glare.

"Why are you doing this?" He snapped angrily only for Mineta to punch him in the gut again which made him gasp in pain, the stupid bastard had a surprisingly strong punch.

"I have to make you pay for deceiving me" Mineta growled as he aimed another punch but this one was for the blonde face, Kaminari grunted in pain as his head was jerked to the side. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned only to get punched in the face once again.

"You know I hate male Omegas, I always have, I find them disgusting and no better than fags" Mineta commented offhandedly as he turned away from Kaminari so that he could grab something off of his desk.

"But with you, I saw potential you seemed just as into the female body as I was so I ignored your secondary gender" He continued to explain as he turned back around and revealed what was in his hand. Kaminari's heart stopped as he saw that the Alpha was holding a knife.

"But recently I've noticed you seemed less interested in girls and more into that mind control freak from general studies, I was angry. I believed that you had been tricking me but then I rationalized it and figured the freak was just using his quirk on you and was taking advantage of you. So I decided that I would keep a closer eye on you so that I could protect you from him" Mineta remarked casually as he fiddled with the knife. Kaminari could not stop staring at it, was Mineta going to kill him?

"But turns out I was the fool, it would seem that the innocent little Omega was trying to save everyone else from the big bad Alpha" Mineta growled angrily as he stabbed the knife into Kaminari's thigh making the blonde scream in pain.

"And now I have to make you pay for lying to me" He hissed as he twisted the knife before pulling it out. Kaminari gasped out in pain as the knife was removed before he gave the shorter boy a venomous glare.

"You won't get away with this, someone will find us eventually" He spat angrily only to blink in confusion when Mineta started laughing.

"Oh you stupid naive idiot no one is coming to save you" He stated smugly as he wiped the blonde off of his knife.

"What do you mean?" Kaminari questioned in confusion which caused a smug smirk to appear on Mineta's face.

"I have spent months soundproofing this room and I have also filled it with a scent neutralizing gas, so no one can hear or smell you" He remarked cruelly which made Kaminari's eyes to widen in fear, Mineta just smirked at this before he stabbed the knife back into Kaminari's thigh his smirking growing as the blonde cried out in pain.

"It's really a shame I had to use this set up on you, my plan was to use it on one of the girls preferably Uraraka or Hagakure so that I could have my way with them" He said in disappointment as he gave the blonde a sad look. Kaminari just gave him a nasty glare through his pain.

"Stay away from them" He growled only to gasp out in pain as Mineta once again pulled the knife from his thigh. The purple-haired boy just laughed in amusement as he stabbed the knife into Kaminari's arm and relished in his scream.

"You should really be more concerned about yourself" He said smugly only to frown in annoyance when Kaminari just continued to glare at him defiantly.

"So stubborn" He muttered in annoyance as he reached for the knife only fo a sudden bang from his door to catch him by surprise. He turned around just in time to see the door being busted down by Kirishima and Monoma.

"What?!" He screamed in outrage only to be tackled to the ground by Midoriya who made quick work of pinning him to the ground.

"Kaminari!" Kirishima gasped out in fear as he rushed towards the blonde who gave him a weak smile.

"Hey Kiri" He said softly as the redhead and Monoma attempted to free him from Mineta's balls.

"Don't worry Kami the others went to get Aizawa" Monoma said reassuringly as he destroyed the collar since they couldn't remove the stupid balls, Kamianri sighed in relief as he felt the electricity once again flow through his veins.

"Get off of me!" Mineta shrieked as he attempted to struggle out of Midoriya's hold but the green-haired boy was a lot stronger than him so he didn't get very far.

"You are going to pay for what you've done" Midoriya hissed angrily which made Mineta whimper in fear.

"Yes, he will" Aizawa growled as he stepped into the room with Uraraka, Aoyama, and Hagakure behind him. He made quick work of erasing Mineta's quirk allowing Monoma and Kirishima to free Kaminari who fell limp in their arms, the pain had finally caught up with him.

"The six of you get Kaminari to Recovery Girl, I'll take care of Mineta" Aizawa stated and the others nodded before they all rushed out of the room with Kaminari being protectively held by Kirishima. Once he was sure they were gone he gave Mineta a terrifying glare as he wrapped the boy up in his capture weapon.

"I'm going to make you wish you were never born" He hissed venomously which must have been too much for Mineta because he passed out from fear, Aizawa just scowled in disdain before he began to drag the boy out of the room. He would make good on his threat, Mineta would regret the day he ever thought targeting Kaminari was a good idea.

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