Plans, Teasing and Favours

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PikaPikaBitch: I'm back bitches!

GravityIsForFools: He's only been out of the infirmary for five minutes and he's already being a dork

PikaPikaBitch: Excuse you! I am adorkable!

GravityIsForFools: Right my mistake

CopyCat: I didn't think I would miss your chaotic energy so much, but damn has it been boring without you

PikaPikaBitch: Thanks Mono, I missed you all as well

Hide&SeekChamp: Aww Kami you're making me blush!

BabyShark: Are you coming back to the dorms today?

PikaPikaBitch: I'm having lunch with Nat before she has to head back to the states so I'll see you all before dinner

BroccoliChild: We'll set the lounge up for some much need Omega Cuddles

PikaPikaBitch: Thanks Mido, I'd really like that

BabyShark: I'll get Bakugo to make dinner for us all!

CopyCat: How are you going to manage that?

SparklesEverywhere: Kiri won't admit it but he is a Bakugo whisper, he's the only one who can get him to do whatever he wants

PikaPikaBitch: It doesn't help that Bakugo is super gay for Kiri

BabyShark: Guys! That's not it at all! Bakugo and I are just really good friends!

GravityIsForFools: Kiri you are the only person he lets hug him without making a big deal out of it

BabyShark: We're just good friends

SparklesEverywhere: Mon Amie he cooked you a full course meal for your birthday

BabyShark: That was for everyone...

BroccoliChild: Kiri, he literally flew hundreds of meters across the sky just to hold your hand

BabyShark: ...

BabyShark: I need to go

Hide&SeekChamp: I think we broke him

PikaPikaBitch: He has such a massive crush on Bakugo but he's too insecure to acknowledge that his feelings might be returned

BroccoliChild: Poor Kiri

GravityIsForFools: All in favour of getting Kiri to confess his super gay feelings to Bakugo say Aye!

PikaPikaBitch: Aye!

BroccoliChild: Aye!

Hide&SeekChamp: Aye!

SparklesEverywhere: Aye!

CopyCat: I think we are the least qualified people to help some confess to their crush but I'm on board regardless, so Aye!

GravityIsForFools: Your not wrong but do you have to say it?

CopyCat: Yes

BroccoliChild: That's fair

PikaPikaBitch: Well Nat's demanding my attention so I'll see you all later

Hide&SeekChamp: Bye Kami!

GravityIsForFools: Have fun with your cousin!

PikaPikaBitch: I will!


(Kiri > Baku)

Kiri: Hey Bakugo can you make dinner tonight?

Baku: For just you?

Kiri: No, Kami's coming back to the dorms tonight so me and the others are having Omega Cuddles in the lounge and I was hoping you would make dinner for all of us

Baku: What's in it for me?

Kiri: Huh?

Baku: Well that's a shit ton of food your expecting me to make, what do I get in return for doing that for you and the other extras?

Kiri: Well what do you want?

Baku: ...

Baku: A favour

Kiri: A favour?

Baku: Yes a favour

Kiri: What kind of favour?

Baku: You'll know when you need to know

Kiri: Oh, okay then I guess it's a deal

Baku: Good, you better not back out of this Shitty Hair

Kiri: I would never!

Kiri: Backing out of a deal is super unmanly!

Baku: Then I best start preparing for dinner

Kiri: Thanks Bakugo! Your the best!

Baku: Damn right I am

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