Chapter 5

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"Okay. CUT!" Hikaru said snapping out Hana and Kyoko from witnessing him cutting up Gigi.

"Wha..?" Hana murmured, confused on what was happening.

"Myyy... that last shoot was crazy wasn't it, looked real." Hikaru said and made the two females confused of what he was talking about.

"Uhh, Fujimoto-senpai, what do you mean by shoot?" Hana asked as she peeked at the thing Hikaru cut up.

"A movie! Movie! I'm doing some movie filming with my friends!" Hikaru just finished placing the naginata inside his bag and held each girl's shoulder.

"Well, we can't have other people see it yet so you have to get going." Hikaru said with a smile.

"B-But what about that thing... I mean it moved and all and you cut it..." Hana peeked at Gigi who was laying lifeless on the ground.

"It's props. Remote controlled thingy! Well, I really need you two to go or we won't finish this in time."

Hana still had her doubts while Kyoko smiled and nodded.

"Is that so?! Then, good luck with the movie, Fujimoto-san!" Kyoko then faced Hana. "Let's get going Hana, we might get in the way." Hana nodded and followed after Kyoko.

As soon as they were out of sight, Hikaru heaved a sigh of relief and glanced at Shamal who regained consciousness minutes ago but for some reason didn't stand up.

"You think that's enough for an excuse?" Hikaru asked and sat down on a corner.

"... better than the excuse I thought up." Shamal replied.

"By the way, do you know where Kokuyo land is?" Hikaru asked while Shamal dusted himself and stood up.

"Dunno... a few kilometers? Never been around the neighborhood that much." Shamal was preparing to clean up the body.

Hikaru sighed, not knowing how to get to Kokuyo land. If it was really that far then he had to go there by foot. He knew he should've accepted his father's offer of driving classes.

"I'll just look it up then.." he murmured and took out his phone. Thankfully, he had internet and managed to load the map. Once he had a good look and found where Kokuyo land was, he sighed.

"Far...." he looked back only to see Shamal gone with the body. Sighing once again as he started to make his way to Kokuyo by feet.


A huge surprise, even for Reborn as Tsuna stared at his allies. Bianchi who was supposed to be heavily wounded was standing up. Gokudera, badly injured, yet still manages to move.

The others, Ken, Chikusa, who was suppsed to be fatally wounded were once again back up.

And Mukuro who has shot himself with a gun.

They all had something in common. The veins vlearly showing on the skin around their right eye. That red pupil and dark aura that surrounded it.

"Rokudo Mukuro, how did you manage to acquire such a dangerous bullet..." Reborn murmured as he covered himself with his coat to block the needles that were coming his way.

Tsuna managed to save Fuuta but in exchange, his friends were possessed by Mukuro.

He couldn't bear to hurt them. He can't injure their bodies any more than this. He wanted to talk then out of Mukuro's possession but this was different from what was done to Fuuta.

The absolute control over the body of someone. As long as it can still move, Mukuro could take over anyone. Tsuna was even lucky to not have Hibari possessed.

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