Chapter Six - Harvey | Monster

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Chapter Six : Monster

I needed to rinse the blood from my hands. I got up from my position on the ground, feeling light. There was so much blood.

I walked out of the meeting room cabin and headed toward the small stream that was located beside a secluded cabin the furthest away from the main campsite. I walked with my hands in front of me and focused on getting my breathing back to normal.

We really were stuck here for a month. A month. "Fucking cumbuckets," I muttered to myself.

It was now very clearly obvious that there would be no outside help. Amara needed to be stitched and if we didn't have a med student on board, then she would have bled out. There was a chance we could die on this island and there would be no one. The comms system still wasn't up and running even though Piper allotted two people to try and get it working.

The sun had set and the entire island was blanketed in darkness. You could see the stars almost too clearly and the air was so crisp that it almost burned passing through my lungs. I knew I probably shouldn't be walking out further into the forest with such little light. We knew we were the only humans on this Island, but there was nothing to be said about the only animals.

I reached the stream and sunk my hands into the cool water. A shiver ran down my spine at the chilling sensation. I rubbed the drying blood from my fingers and watched the shadowed water tinge with copper. I cupped my hands and splashed some water on my face.

I took in a sharp breath when I heard a ruffling sound behind me. I turned to inspect the eclipsed trees but there was nothing. No glaring red eyes and no other sounds. Oh look Harvs, the crazy is already settling in.

I shook off my thoughts and got up. I nearly headed back to the campsite but the secluded cabin caught my eye. You actually don't go into that one, Harvey. That one is the one where the girl dies in the horror movies, I contemplated.

Still, I never claimed I was beneath stupidity.

I walked towards the cabin and frowned. This one seemed less damaged than the rest. The wood had moss growing around it, but the open-cut panels, acting as "windows" on the sides seemed to be perfectly cut. Maybe this was a later edition to the site.

I pushed the well-working door and stepped inside the empty hut. My eyes refocused in the dark and I glanced around the place. There were tree-made bowls and plates over the wooden counters. Materials such as wooden rollers and hard pots were there too.

"I found the fucking kitchen," I muttered.

"You know, talking to yourself is a sign of madness, princess" a deep voice spoke behind me.

My entire body short-wired and I jumped in shock. I turned around to see Christopher leaning against the frame of the door with his arms crossed in front of his chest. There was a small beam of moonlight entering the cabin, which highlighted the sharpness of his jaw. For some reason, he seemed scarier than any other possible predator in this place. But I knew bullies like him, and I knew you had to meet them head on and not let them get under your skin.

"You scared me!! What the fuck is your problem," I nearly yelled.

He raised his eyebrows and finally looked around him. I swallowed and took him in. It was almost like he took away all the oxygen of whatever room he was in. I felt myself get more and more uncomfortable, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't go looking for trouble so I said with a clearer voice, "I thought talking to yourself was a sign of intelligence."

His eyes flickered to mine and they narrowed in on me. "You."

"What?" I shook my head in confusion.

"You're" he took a step closer and the door closed behind him. Suddenly, the moonlight piling in from the panels weren't enough. Suddenly, even if the sun was in the room, it wouldn't be enough.

"My," another step.

"Problem." I swallowed. Even though he was closer, he kept his distance from me, like I was a disease. If he came too close, he'd get bed-ridden.

He was a head taller than me, but he could easily throw me down if I tried fighting him. He could kill me right here if he wanted to. I watched him watch me. I felt like a fucking ant in his world. I hated this feeling, I was a fucking lion.

"Is it because I'm gay?" I sneered up at him, taking my own step forward. The air slipped in the room and this was a substance I couldn't breathe in. I pushed. I took another step and then I was only an arm's length away from him, he inhaled a sharp breath at my proximity. "Is it because I don't follow the natural rules of fucking because I like a man to fuck me instead, Christopher?"

His nostrils flared at the mention of his name. I knew he only liked to be called, Kit. But fuck if I was going to follow his rules. If I thought he could kill me before, his anger could easily wrap around my throat now. I stared up at him with eyes of fire. I had come to far to let dickwads like him make me go back into hiding.

His lips turned up in disgust as he glanced me over, taking his time roaming my body. Arm to leg, I felt like a pile of shit in front of him. Then he sucked in his cheeks and spat out on the ground where I stood.

He looked back up at me, at the star stickers on my temple, then my mouth. The repulsion laced his eyes like a cataract. "Stay the fuck away from me on this island," he sneered before turning and leaving.

I looked blankly at the door as it swung open and close, blinking. I felt the tear as it slid down my cheek, grateful it didn't happen when he was here.


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Lots of love,


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