Chapter 18

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Mina:*Notice them*(Does tzuyu like lisa??ow hell no---it can't be...)
(The Movie Ended)
Tzuyu:I want to eat now...(cling to lisa's arm)
Lisa:What do you guys want to eat?
Tzuyu&Mina:You*said in unison*
Lisa:Uhh-h w-what do you mean guys???
Tzuyu&Mina:(Look at each other)
Mina:W-we mean that what about y-you where do you want to e-eat??
Lisa:Owww i just want somee ice cream(excitedly said)
Mina:Really come on let's go...(hold lisa's hand)*Push her away from tzuyu*
(Arrive at the ice cream shop)
             *While eating*
Lisa:Yummy...(smile cutely)
Mina:(Cute how can i meet this super gorgeous girl infront of me...)*Suddenly saw tzuyu leaning on lisa* Wtf!is she doing!!!
Lisa:(Saw tzuyu leaning on me)Uhh-h T-tzuyu what are u doing??(close my eyes)
Tzuyu:(what is she thinking..?)*Wipe the ice cream in her cheek*
Lisa:(Slowly opening my eyes when suddenly someone touch her cheek)*Saw tzuyu smiling*Yah!!!What did you just do!?(Hit tzuyu arm playfully)
Tzuyu:Ouch!I just wipe tge ice cream in your cheek...
Lisa:.......(Blush in embarrassment)
Tzuyu:What did you think I'll kiss you huh?(Teasing tone)
Lisa:No-o I'm not I'm just S-shocked o-okay?
Tzuyu:Are u sure??(Teasing tone)
Mina:*Irratated at tzuyu's action*
Do you hear her tzuyu she said she was just shocked okay!?(irratatedly said)
Tzuyu:(What is her problem tss...)
Lisa:Uhm-m no it's okay let's just go somewhere (cling on tzuyu's and Mina's arms)
Mina:How about we go to the arcade??
Lisa:Woahh I'd love that let's goo...
(At the Arcade)
*After 30 minutes of playing*
Tzuyu:(Won a rabbit stuff toy)
Mina:(Won a unicorn stuff toy)
Lisa:Woah you two get some stuffed toy...Urghh why those machines didn't let me to have a stuff toy....(sadly said)
Tzuyu:You can have mine this for you(offer her rabbit stuffed toy)
Mina:Me too i won this for you(offer her unicorn stuffed toy)
Lisa:Really!?!(Accept the stuff toy and hug it)Thank you guys!(hug both of them)

After 45 minutes)
Tzuyu:Let's go now...
*While driving...*
Tzuyu:(Saw someone familiar)*saw jennie with guy*Lisa is tha----(saw the guy peck jennie on the lips...)(Wtf!!!!!!!?!!she don't deserve Lisa)
Lisa:tzuyu are u okay what do you want to say???
Tzuyu:(I should not tell her now maybe she will not believe me...)
Uhh-m N-nothing....
Lisa:(Confused)Ohh okay....
(Arrived at lisa's house 🏠)
Lisa:I want to hang out again with you next time guys...(Kiss tzuyu's cheek)&(Kiss Mina's cheek)
Lisa:bye guys...I saw you two both blushing!(Shouts&Run's to her house)
Tzuyu:(Poor lisayah...I'll make that jennie regret what she did she's a fvcking bitch to cheat on lisayah!she don't deserve the most precious girl i ever met...)
Mina:Tzuyu answer me truthfully do you like lisayah???(serious tone)

Thats all guys sorry for the late update i just have a fever few days ago so i need a rest...
But thank you for those who support this story love you guys
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