Chapter 26

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(After 30 minutes)
Irene:It's getting late now I'll leave now just call me when you will be discharged(smile sweetly)
Lisa:Sur---(cut off by Jennie)
Jennie:And why did Lisa need to call you when she will be discharged?(sternly says)
Lisa:je----(cut off by Irene)
Irene:Why do you care of course I'm worried for her tss...(bitchly said)
Jennie:(How dare this girl being a bitch to me...)Did i ask if your worried for her?(bitchly said)
Irene:Duhh What are you doing now your asking me now right?(sarcastically said)
Jennie:How dar---(cut off by Lisa)
Lisa:Jennie stop!
Jennie:*Control her anger*
Irene:I'll leave now Lisa remember CALL me okay?Don't stressed yourself again...(sweetly said)
Lisa:Hmmm...Okay take care too
Jennie:Why are you taking her side?(irratatedly tone)
Lisa:I'm not taking any sides okay?
Jennie:Really?Then why did you tell me to stop when she's the one who started it...(irratatedly said)
Lisa:Jennie just let it pass right now please...
Jennie:Your just telling excuses because your taking her side right!?
Lisa:Jennie i told you I'm not taking any sides!!!I told you to stop because i know you will not let it pass...Jennie i don't want to argue with now just please not right now i don't want to stressed myself now...
Jennie:Uhh-h I'm sorry lili I just can't control myself right now(Hug Lisa)
Lisa:It's okay let's just take a rest now...
Jennie:Hmmm...Okay Lili...(snuggle to lisa's neck)
(In the Morning)
Lisa:(Feel someone touching my face)*Slowly open my eyes*
Jennie:Good morning Lili(smile sweetly)
Lisa:Good morning Nini(smile cutely)
Jennie:I prepare some breakfast for you...(sweetly said)
Lisa:Really?Thank you nini(sweetly said)
Jennie:Just for you my Lili btw the Doctor said later you'll be discharged...
Lisa:Really yey! I'm sick at this room(smile widely)
Jennie:Lili our 4th anniversary is near
Lisa:Yes my nini I'm really excited...
Jennie:Me too...(sweetly said)
(After many hours)
(Heard a knock from the door)
Jennie:Come in!
Doctor:Uhmm you'll be discharged now...
Jennie:Okay Doc.
Doctor:Okay let me excuse now...
Lisa:Yey! come on let's go now(excitedly says)
Jennie:Calm dow Lili...
(After 15 minutes)*At the Car*
Lisa's Pov:(Remember irene I'll call her now...)*Calling Irene*(answers)
Lisa📱:I'm discharged now irene
Irene📱:That's good to here Lisa (sweetly said)
Lisa:Th----(cut off by Jennie)
Jennie:Were here now BABY(Jennie intentionally do it)
Irene:(I know she do it purposely tss...)
Lisa📱:Uhhh irene I'll go now let's hangout tomorrow if you want?
Lisa📱:Okay byee(sweetly said)
(End Call)
Lisa:I'll go now Nini...(About to go)
Jennie:Wait lisa!
Lisa:Hmm...What nini?
Jennie:You forgot something...
Lisa:(Confused)What is it nini??
Jennie:You forgot to(Point her lips)
Lisa:*Giggle*Ow sorry nini...(kiss jennie's lips)*About to pull out*
Jennie:(hold lisa's back deepen the kiss)
(after few minutes)
*Jennie suck lisa's neck*
Jennie:(about to pull lisa's shirt)
*Jennie's phone rang*(Kai)
(Jennie turn off her phone)
Lisa:(Saw the same caller when they argue last time...)
Jennie:(About to continue---)
Lisa:Jennie stop now...(cold tone)
Lisa:I'm tired i need rest...
Jennie:but---arghh fine....
Lisa:I'll go now nini bye...

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