Chapter 31

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Little they did know someone heard them...

Awhile ago....
??? Pov:I should visit lisayah i miss her already...i should buy her favourite ice cream*Get ready leaves*(Finish buying a one gallon of chocolate ice cream)*Going to lisa's house*(After 15 minutes Arrived)
I'm about to go to lisa's gate when a car stop in front of lisa's gate and she's carrying a girl like-e...Wait-t WTF i-is t-that Lisayah!?
Wait...What if that guy do something bad to Lisa so i slowly approach that guy but suddenly stop when i heard a familiar voice wait-t is that jennie?what if this bitch is planning to do something bad on lisayah...
"So i listened to there discussion"....
Baekhyun:Can you lower your voice she's sleeping...
Jennie:I dont care just put her down don't try to interfere you don't have a right I'm her girlfriend
Baekhyun:*Pissed off*You don't have a right to cheat on her too!
Jennie:*Speechless...*(how did he know...)
Baekhyun:You think i don't know how can you do this to her!?
Jennie:Shut up!
Baekhyun:I'll remind you tell her sooner or later or I'm the on who will tell her
??? Pov:Wtf!!I knew it she's been cheating on Lisa like how can you
She do that to Lisa should i talk to that guy?But what if she tell it to jennie?But that's impossible i really need to talk to this guy should i threaten him?...*After 10 minutes*The guy step out in the gate so i suddenly approaches him...
Baekhyun:Yahhhhhhhh!!!!who are you tell me or I'm gonna punch
y-you(nervously said)
???:(I want to laugh now like look at his reaction he's really scared as fvck hahaha)*Trying not laugh*
Baekhyun:(Look at this girl she's really creeping me out i think I'm ready to punch a girl now like is this even a person or a ghost?)Heyy can you tell me your name or else--(cut off by--)
???:Or else what??
Baekhyun:(I should threaten her)Or else I'll kiss you
???:*Blush of embarrassment*W-what you don't need to like yuck your just a stranger duhh...(roll her eyes)
Baekhyun:(she's cute though)That's why im asking your name duhh(roll her eyes too)
???:(Tss...Gay)I'm Tzuyu
Baekhyun:(She does not look like korean)I'm baekhyun btw...
Tzuyu:Did i ask?
Baekhyun:(Is she serious!?urghh!)Aishh I'll go now your just wasting my time....*About to go inside his car*
Tzuyu:Wait!(Hold baekhyun's hand)
Baekhyun:What?(irratatedly said)
Tzuyu:I want you...(suddenly cut off by baekhyun)
Baekhyun:No! What do you think of me!?i like somebody now so No!(Shove his hands off)
Tzuyu:(what the fvck is he talking about)What do you mean?
Baekhyun:Don't play innocent here you said that you want me so my answer is No-(cut off by Tzuyu)
Tzuyu:*Laugh*Hahahaha seriously you think of that well I'm not into gay hahaha
Baekhyun:I'm not gay you idiot!
Tzuyu:I'm not idiot! you gay!
Baekhyun:Well don't call me that too!Just say it to me what do you need!??
Tzuyu:I want you to help me to say to lisayah that her girlfriend is cheating on her...
Baekhyun:Wait do you know!?
Tzuyu:Yup..So that's why i need your help
Baekhyun:That is not easy...
Tzuyu:Why?Lisa deserve to know the truth though
Baekhyun:But what if she'll not going to believe us and in end she'll avoid us i don't want that to happen and i especially i don't want her to be hurt...
Tzuyu:Are you stupid!?Lisa deserve to know no matter what we just need some proof and in the end Lisa will be hurt and the end of the day So we need to tell her cause that bitch don't deserve her!
Baekhyun:Fine! I'll agree with that
Tzuyu:Good so give me your number(handling her phone)
Baekhyun:Are you just doing this so that you can get my number?*smirk*
Tzuyu:(Urghh! I just wanna inform you guys I'm ready to slap person now...)You ga---
Baekhyun:Stop!(Snatched her phone type his number)That's it happy now?Byee idiot!*smirk*(Quickly go inside to his car)
Tzuyu:*Pissed off*Gay!(Kick the wheels of baekhyun before walking out)
"At the Morning"
Jennie's Pov:(I'm staring at Lisa like how can she be this cute while sleeping and how-w can i unlove this person but i can't i really can't i can't bare of losing her i know call me stupid or anything else but-t i don't know i love kai but i love Lisa too...Is it bad to love a two person at the same time? Is it bad to love someone? but i admit this is my fault Lisa don't deserve this but i can't bare of losing her and either k-kai...*Saw Lisa slowly opening her eye* *Pretend to be asleep*
Lisa's Pov:(Urghh...I feel something heavy in my chest...*Slowly open my eyes* *Saw jennie sleeping peacefully*(Suddenly remember a dream) I have a fvcking dream like it's starting to paranoid me...It's about jennie admit that she's been cheating on me like i can't let that happen but if that day comes i can't do anything beacuse it's her choice but i hope that will not happen....And our 4th anniversary"Special day"will come in just a week and I'm planning to propose on her cause i can't lose her she's to special to me and i feel that she's the one i want to be that's why i love her so much and i can't bare of losing her so that I'm willing to do everything for her--*Cut off by jennie*)
Jennie:Good morning babyyy*aegyo voice*
Lisa:Ow my nini is awake now *cupped jennie's cheeks*
Jennie:Where is my goodmorning kiss?*Pout*
Lisa:No i don't want to*teasing jennie*
Jennie:Why?Don't you want to kiss me anymore??*Confused*
Lisa:No i don't want to kiss you anymore--(Cut off by jennie)
Jennie:*teary eyes*Ummm...Fine!(Quickly got off to lisa)
Lisa:Where are you going now nini?
Lisa:(Aishh she really take it seriously hshs...)Hmm...Okay(cold tone)*Teasing jennie more*
Jennie:(What's wrong with her she didnt even stop me...Didn't she love me anymore?...)About to leave---
Lisa:(Quickly hold jennies wrist)I'm sorry nini...*sad tone*
Jennie:For w-what?(is she breaking up with me?)
Lisa:(I'm ready to break my bones here)B-because I-I'm j-ust t-teasing y-you hehe
Jennie:Urghh!!I thought you don't love me anymore*Slap Lisa's shoulder playfully*
Lisa:That will never happen nini
*smile sweetly*
Jennie:(I hope so)So where is now my morning kiss?*Pout*
Lisa:Ohh ghad nini are you really that addicted to my lips?
Jennie:*Shook my head*(teasing Lisa too)
Lisa:*smirk*Okay I'm not going to give you a kiss maybe ill just kiss someone else out there--
Jennie:Don't you dare Lalisa!*Glare at Lisa*(Why can't she just kiss me now I'm craving for her lips right now....)
Lisa:I'm just kidding nini-(Suddenly cut off by jennie pull her into a kiss)
Jennie:(Ohh ghad i love her lips so muchh....)*Bit lisa's lower lip*
Lisa:*Suddenly open her mouth*(Let jennie put her tongue and explore every inch of her)Ahhhh...j-jenniee...
Jennie:*Lisa make jennie turn on*(Grab lisa's shoulder and push her gently into the wall)
Jennie pull out and stare at Lisa straight in the eyes of full of lust before kissing her again passionately down in her jaw licking&sucking Lisa's earlobe I'm craving for you Lili...*seductive voice*
Lisa:(Trying her best not to moan)*Becoming wet*Urghh...Nin-iii you make me wet...
Jennie:L-let it be lili-i
sucking lisa's expose neck
Lisa:Ahhhh-h right there ninii-i
Jennie:About to pull lisa's shirt--(When lisa's phone rings)
Lisa:Uhh-h nini someone is calling...
Jennie:Just ignore it *Pull lisa's shirt* (About to unclasp lisa's bra)*Lisa's phone rings again*
Lisa:Nini maybe it's important...
Jennie:*Groan*Hmm fine it's your phone....
Lisa:*Saw jennie disappointed face*(I'm sorry nini)*Put back again her shirt*(Answer the call without looking)
Irene📱:Good morning lisa*Sweetly said*
Lisa📱:Oww irene good morning too*Smile widely and wave at the phone even irene can't see it*
Irene📱:Did you eat for breakfast?Do you want me to cook for you?
Lisa📱:Chill bae I'll just eat my breakfast later you don't need to cook for me now but maybe tomorrow i guess??hshshs I'm craving for your cook
Irene📱:*Giggle*I told you cant resist my cook bye now Lisa I just want to know if you eat now
Lisa📱:Wahh so sweet bae iloveyou baee muahh
Irene📱:(Blush)Hahaha lisa stop I'll hang up now byee
Lisa📱:Okayy byeee
*End call*
Jennie's Pov:(It's the Irene again aishh so she's cooking for my Lisa and now she make my lili laugh and wait the fvck Lisa even say iloveyou!?seriously!? )

Jenlisa for now because it's near guys can you guys when will it happen?🤔

Btw sorry for updating late you know its just in my draft and i forgot to upload it again sorry guys:>
Keep supporting this Story love you guys💓❤💗

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