Kruger National Park: Just Average?

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Wanted to make this chapter way longer, but I literally just couldn't. I wanna make jam-packed awesome shit for the guys to do, but I also want Elton and Corey to talk about their feelings more in-depth. So...I'm at a road block. But, I decided to publish what I have right now, because 1, you deserve and 2, because it's like already 2k words worth of a read~

So. Enjoy~

Picture taken at Kruger National Park located near one of the many "hotels" you can stay at within the park!


"This drive is taking longer than I would expect it to," Corey had his head leaning up against the glass trying not to think about the perversities that went on just this morning.

He never thought he could be so turned on by one man because, well, he never had. Not even once. But it was like a flip of a switch and now just looking at Elton made the fluttery feeling enter the pit of his stomach. Was it lust? Was he just lusting after Elton to have one more night? Yeah, it hurt a little in the beginning that....night, but from all the times he's heard about anal was supposed to hurt like a bitch even to the point you would almost cry. Hell, him and Devyn even tried anal once just to get out of their comfort zone, and she screamed in pain so they ended up just not doing it. And that was with incredible amounts of lube. Elton only stuck his fingers in and Corey's hole melted right into the touch.

It was still weird thinking about it, because for one, it happened. But also because Corey rather enjoyed thinking about it. It was like a clash in his brain telling him that it was wrong to enjoy what happened, but the other half of him wanted it to happen again. Especially kissing Elton. It gave him shivers thinking about. Knocking him out of his thoughts, he gasped with what he saw on the side of the road.

"Is that a fucking Rhino," Corey's face plastered against the glass looking at the huge animal that was on the side of the road pushing its way through the bushes and small trees.

Elton rolled his eyes, "If you guys didn't sleep the entirety of the 20 hour trip yesterday, then you would have seen giraffes, an elephant, and other smaller animals. But no, you guys decided to sleep most of the time."

"Wait, seriously," Corey looked over to Elton with surprise evident on his features.

Colby had Sam sprawled over him again trying to get a look at the Rhino, so he raised higher to look over to Elton, "Did we pass lions?"

"Hmmm, I dunno," Elton smirked.

"Elton," Corey's eyes widened, "We better not have."

Elton started whistling nonchalantly which only made Corey shiver in fright, "Ohmygod, I could have been eaten while asleep."

"You would've woken up dumb ass," Elton gave Corey a pointed look.

"Colby wouldn't though," Sam entered the conversation after getting some shots of the Rhino, "He's such a deep sleeper, the lion would have had a quiet and peaceful meal."

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