Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It's 9:00. I finally get to get out and go to school. I know what your thinking like, " why would anyone want to go to school?" Just think about my life for a few minutes. I may get teased at school but it's better than at home. I have a few friends here. Their names are Brittany, Kelsey, and Carol. My two friends, Brittany and Kelsey don't like Carol too much. She's a homophobic whore. Anyway, when I walk in the door I get bombarded with hugs from two of my friends. Carol doesn't hug me because she "doesn't want me to get the wrong idea". Yeah fucking right.

Brittany says to me, "what did your bitch of a mother make u do today."

"Usual" I replied.

"Doesn't she have anything BETTER to do? I mean really!" Kelsey chimes in, nearly taking the words right out of my mouth.

"Guess not...." I sighed. The bell was about to ring.

"See you guys in 3rd period." I yelled, as I was already walking down the hallway. I turned to wave as I was walking and when I turn back around, didn't I walk RIGHT INTO a cute girl. Shit.

"Uh sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I said nervously.

"It's fine. I'm Krystal. What's yours?"

"Uhhh I'm Lexii." Dammit I sound so corny.

"I think I have my next period with you." Shit shit FUCK A DUCK!!!! How the hell am I gonna go about this. She's fucking beautiful!

"What is it? English, right?"

"Yep! Would you walk with me to the class?" Uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh.

"Sure." What the hell am I gonna do?


I would like everyone who reads to comment before I post another chapter do I know if it's any good)

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