One shot (Young Sirius)

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Sirius Orion Black. Hogwarts most 'attractive guy' as girls would say so. Half of the girls already got laid by him and basically every girl is in love with that boy, well except you at least.

You never knew what girls saw in that guy, I mean he's attractive but that's it. Jeez do girls really go for a guy just for looks? Well I guess so in this case. You always thought he was a arrogant guy who thought he could do anything just cause he's worshipped by 99% of the school's population. The 1% of people that didn't worship him however were the professors and you and maybe some guys that loathe him.
You walked to the black lake to sit under your favourite tree. You were a poet. Poetry was your favourite thing to do. You have written plenty of poems and occasionally stories. You walked to your tree and was happy to find it unoccupied. You sat down and pulled out your book. You started writing your poem when your peace was interrupted, unfortunately......

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the poet" Lucius said which made the whole Slytherin group laugh. You ignored it cause you were used to it. It was literally their daily routine to annoy you. Usually you would walk away but you were too comfortable at this point so u didn't move, instead you continued writing.

A part of your brain told you too leave as you have a bad temper and if you lose it, things might not look pretty. You were a second degree black belt graduate. So you usually used that if people bullied you, which usually doesn't last long after they get a taste of your punches. "My, my she's trying to ignore us" you heard Avery say. "What do you want?" You question not looking up from your book.

"So L/N, did your Muggle parents always write like you." "Were they also as pathetic as you?" Avery added to Lucius' sentence. "Well I'm sure they were all pathetic, they're mudbloods after all" Regulus black said making them tumble over with laughter. You were loosing their patience but kept your cool, not paying attention to them.

A little crowd had gathered cause they knew that if Slytherins were there, there would surely be drama. Avery sneaked up behind you and pulled your hair making your head hit the tree. You didn't wince nor did you flinch at the sudden action, you were about to do something but you stay still, daring them to do it one more time. 'This is gonna be nice' you thought. These guys didn't know what was gonna hit them.

Avery tried sneaking up to pull your hair again and you caught him at the exact moment you wanted to catch him. He was about two inches from your hair when you grabbed his arm and flipped him over making his chest hit the ground. You twisted his hand to the back and held it down with your right hand. Your left hand took his other hand locking him down.

You spotted Lucius and jumped onto him making him fall to the floor. You punch him square in the nose and slapped him both sides of his face. You whispered to him "That would teach you twice about insulting my family" you quickly stood up before he could and kicked him in the crotch making him scream. And if you didn't know better, he screamed like a little girl. You smirk to yourself, now they know what you're capable of.

You took your poetry book put it in your bag and left leaving Lucius and Avery still on the floor wincing in pain and the crowd along with the rest of the Slytherins, watching you with mouths opened and eyes wide. Who knew the poet and quiet girl of the school, had this much in her.

Sirius's POV
The marauders and I were near the black lake, we were laughing at something Peter told us when we heard the voices of Lucius and Avery mocking someone. I heard it and the rest must have too cause we soon stopped laughing.

"Should we go check it out?" Remus asked us. I shrugged "Why not" so we all stood up and walked to the direction Lucius and Avery's voice was coming from. When we arrived a small crowd had formed. They were teasing a girl, Y/N if I'm not mistaken. She was always a quiet girl and never really went around looking for trouble.

We just watched, this girl didn't seem to be doing anything. Suddenly Avery pulled her hair, Remus took his wand out ready to confront Avery. I pushed his hand down signalling him not to do it yet, I think this girl just might have a plan up her sleeve. Well I was right. As Avery was going to pull her hair again she went full on karate with them.

She knocked Avery to the floor and pounced of Lucius and she punched him followed by two very clear tight slaps. She whispered something to him before standing up and kicking him in the crotch. The marauders and I winced at that not wanting to imagine how painful it must have been. Boy this girl was fiesty. She put her book in her back and left passing us on her way.

"I'm gonna talk to her" I told the guys. Remus rolled his eyes "Jeez you just met the girl and you're already trying to hit her up". I smirk at his comment, it won't be that hard honestly, every girl loved me or eventually did. James chuckles "Good luck with that man. She's a tough one" "Oh come on who isn't charmed by me?" "She turns every guy down, and let me tell you about at least 10 guys have tried to ask her out" I frown, I'm sure I would be different. I bid my goodbyes and go of to find this girl.

A/N: Part 2 coming up!!

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