Peers Pressure

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Alyssa's POV

I can't believe that that just happened. I walked into my room and sat on my bed just to process everything I just heard and saw. Poor Jesse. I wish he would've told me this sooner. Now I can't get all those images out of my head. All of the moments when I'd see his Dad hovering over Jesse. All those days he'd missed in school. I mean yeah, some of those days he probably skipped but others are because of his dad. I don't even know what to do with this information. Should I tell somebody? My parents? The police? But Jesse said he loves his dad and what type if friend would I be if I took away his dad.

Jesse's POV

I did it. And now what am I left with. An empty room and a broken heart. She's probably terrified and disgusted with me. I bet she's hurt; how could I have kept that from her all this time. But my god, that kiss.

Alyssa's POV

That kiss. I was so stupid. Why haven't I learned to keep my lips to myself when I'm around him. And he probably never wants to talk me again after running like that.

Jesse's POV

All I want to do is talk to her. I want to tell her that everything is going to be ok. And I want to kiss her again. I pulled out my phone and I'm going to text her.
Me: Hey

Alyssa's POV

I'm going to text him.

Jess: Hey
Me : Hey, I was about to text you. I'm sorry I ran out like that. Can I come back so we can talk.
Jess: I'd like that

This is good. I started walking downstairs when my phone buzzed again.

Jess: But.. I don't think now is the best time to talk anymore. Y'know, school night and all.
Me: Oh right, yeah, totally. I understand. Um goodnight Jess.
Jess: Night Lyss.

And with that I locked my phone. And fell on my bed. And with a few hot tears, I fell asleep.

Alyssa's POV

The next day I thought that everything had stayed the same but after last night, I know something if not everything had changed. I took a shower and put on some black ripped jeans, a peach hoodie, and threw on my forces. I put my hair in two cornrows, put on some hoops and went downstairs to wait on Justin.

"Howdy Sailor." Justin said when he opened the front door.

"Hey, you do realize this is my house right?"  He rolled his eyes and I walked out the door so he could shut it. He stopped and turned me around, "Hold it, something is different." Oh no, how could he have possibly found out I kissed Jesse. It was last night and I didn't tell anyone. "These forces are new aren't they." Phew. That was kind of scary but all I could really do is laugh. We got into the car and made our way to school.

Jesse's POV

I haven't been to sleep. I was up all night thinking about Alyssa. I just want to hold her. And I know I can't avoid her forever so I got up and got dressed. When I was walking out of my room, I got a firm clock to my eye. "Boy, how many times do I have to tell you to stop smoking in my house!" He was practically wailing on me.

"Dad, I'm don't fucking smoke!"

"Go the fuck to school! We'll discuss this later." He release his grip from my wrist. Got up and walked away. I don't even have to time to fix my eye. And I honestly, I don't even care anymore. I got in my car and headed my way to school.

Alyssa's POV

I was sitting in study hall waiting for the bell to ring. When Justin came in and started annoying me.
"Well well well, look who's not ditching study to smoke in the parking lot." while he played with the string on my hoodie.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I don't have any weed today so, no weed. No smoke." I was looking at Justin and then my eyes were adjusting and I kept hearing everyone whispering around me about Jesse. So I turned around and saw Kayla, who I'm still not on great terms with and ask her. "Hey Kayla, what's everybody whispering about Jesse for?" And she turned and said, "Well you didn't hear it from me but I heard that Jenny Nelson heard that Ryan heard that Jesse got beat up by some jocks from Canesford High."  And before I could say anything, everyone one was looking at the man himself. Jesse. We made this long-standing eye contact and he proceeded to go sit in the furthest corner of the room.

"Oh my god, i knew something was different. You had sex with Jesse!" Justin stood up and pointed at me. "Oh my god, lower your fricking voice!" I yelled but only as a whisper. "I did not have sex with Jesse. I can't believe I'm saying this but back me up Kayla."

"You know even though I agree that you have zero sex appeal. But I could cut the sexual tension in here with a knife. You two definitely boned." And she winked at the end. I'm beginning to sweat because now the pressure is on me with everyone in the class asking if we had sex and did my dad catch us and if that's why his eye is black. And I can't breathe from everyone breathing down my neck asking about me and Jesse. And his eye. And I feel faint I walk over to grab a hall pass for some water. And everything went black.


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