Goodbye Jesse Reese

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Alyssa's POV

It was a new day. My alarm was going off like crazy. Shoot I'm late for school. I took a shower and put on some black ripped jeans, a black Supreme t-shirt with a jean jacket, and red high top vans. I ran downstairs and went to school. Yesterday was like some crazy nightmare. I put my headphones in so I didn't have to deal with any students talking about me. But then I saw him. Sitting outside of the principal's office.

"Hey Jesse."

"Oh. Hey didn't see you there." He looked up at me.

"I was wondering if you wanted to talk sometime. About everything."

He stood up and kind of stared at me for a while. "Listen Lyss, I think that it would be better if we don't hang out or anything for a while." while he was scratching the back of his head.

"Why? We were just starting to get back to the old us."

"It's not good for either of us to be around each other. Plus, a girl like you shouldn't be with a guy like me." He stepped back a little. "I think it would be better if we don't talk for a while. Or all."

"I'll make this easier for you. Lose my number. And any memory that we were ever friends." I walked away and a single tear fell from my eye.

Jesse's POV

I hate that I just did that. Truth is, I really like Alyssa. I couldn't bring it up to tell her the truth. Not like I've been doing a good job with that this whole year. My mom and dad came out of the principal's office. They were getting my paperwork from the school to send it to the Mau Learning Institute for Troubling Boys. Yeah, I'm being sent to boarding school after getting in a fight with Dean "the Fisher" Fitzpatrick. They call him 'the fisher' because he's one of the biggest instigators in this school. And I thought it was finally time someone knocked him down a few pegs. He was nonstop asking about my black eye. I had had enough of his questions so I politely kicked his ass. I'm being sent away because Dean ended up in the hospital because I bruised and/or fractured his ribs. Instead of anyone pressing charges, they thought it would be better if I were just, sent away. So I'll be taking the rest of my junior year at this place. I didn't have the guts to tell Alyssa the truth. So it's better that she hates me rather than miss me.I don't want her to miss any opportunity that was in front of her. It's better if she moves on from me. I got out of the chair and we went home so I could pack.

Alyssa's POV

The day went by kind of fast. I was pretty upset with Jesse and everything but my friends always find a way to make it better. I got in my car and went home. When I was walking up to my front door I heard someone call my name. "Hello Alyssa Blackwood!" Brandon. I don't know what it is about this guy. But there's something.

"Oh hey Brandon."

"Hey what are up to on this fine Friday afternoon." while he walked up to me.

"Right now, I'm trying to figure out who I have to beg and plead to get a ride on that." I asked pointing to the black motorcycle on the other side of the street.

"You know bikes huh?" He looked at me a little shocked.

"Know them? That my friend is a 599cc liquid-cooled DOHC inline 4-cylinder; 16 titanium valve Yamaha YZF-R6."

"Wow you really like bikes." He was completely shocked.

"Love them."

"You want a ride?" while he scratched the back of his head.

"You know who that belongs to?"

"Yeah that's my bike." He laughed.

"Brandon, I think this is the start to a beautiful friendship."

"So you want a ride?" He held out a helmet.

"Duh! Let me put my stuff down and we can go for a ride. Come on in, get comfy, whatever."

"Alright! Here let me carry your bags." As he took my backpack.

Jesse's POV

I couldn't leave things like they were. Knowing that Alyssa hates me. Well, I couldn't just let things be. So after I packed, I decided to drive by her place to tell her the truth. But when I got out the car, I saw her walking in her house with a guy carrying her books. She moved on that fast. I didn't want to ruin anything any more than I have so I got back in the car and went home.

Alyssa's POV

I left my phone in the car so I turned around to go back and get it. And then I saw him. In his tinted out black Porsche. He sped away.

"JESSE! Wait, don't leave."

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