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"I'm home!" Sun cheers as she enters her Mum's bedroom. Her Mum sits on her bed, tears in her eyes as Ha-Eun runs up to her giving her a tight hug.

"Ah, my baby!" Sung-Mi exclaims, "I missed you so much! How are you? How's your group? Tell me everything!"

Ha-Eun laughs, sitting on the end of Sung-Mi's bed, facing towards her with a big grin on her face.

"Gosh, the past few months have been crazy! We finished with promotions so we're currently on break, hence why I'm here right now. Oh Mum, the boys are so lovely, you'll have to meet them."

"I'd love to! But it'll have to be when I get my new chair, I don't want your friends to see me like this." She smiles sadly. Ha-Eun holds her Mum's hand.

"You don't need to worry about that Mum, I talk about you so often, they love you!" They share a laugh before Ha-Eun frowns a little. "How have you been by the way? Dad said that he hasn't been able to go to work recently. Are you sick?"

"Work? Sweetie your Dad hasn't missed off a day of work in months."

"Huh really? Maybe I misheard him?."

"Nah, must be his old age catching up to him, you know how it is."

Ha-Eun thinks back to her conversation for a while. She was sure that he said he hasn't gone to work. Even Rocky questioned her about it. Despite her concerns, she laughs at her Mum's comment, pushing her doubts to the back of her mind.

"I can imagine! But seriously, how are you?"


Later that evening, Ha-Eun sits in the living room watching TV with her older sister, Areum. They both sit with a bowl of popcorn in between them, talking about their day to day lives. Ha-Eun strokes her families dog, who is curled up next to her. After a few moments, Ha-Eun's Dad walks into the room.

"Eun, thank you for that money you sent the other day. I wanted to thank you in person."

"It's no problem, you're family after all. If you ever need more be sure to let me know, okay?"

Jae-Ho nods, sitting down on another couch in the living room. The other family dog trails after him, laying beside his legs. Suddenly, Areum asks a question:

"What's the idol life like for you anyway? You living a life of luxury?"

"Uh... no. Don't get me wrong, I adore my group and the staff are lovely but it's nothing special. We just have to practice and work a lot just like any normal person. The work load doesn't matter though, knowing that we've got so many people supporting us even though we're a rookie group."

"Ah that makes sense. When's your next comeback then?" Arerum asks once more.

"I'm not to sure, it should be in the next few months. I doubt that we'd want to wait so long, being such a new group."

"True... I'm looking forward to it!"

"Thanks! So hows work going for you...?"

ASTRO's 7th Member // Ha-EunWhere stories live. Discover now