n i n e t e e n

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yeah sooo i seriously had the absolute bestttt plot for this story and while i was rereading it last night, i finally decided that it was TIME to continue. i'm sure most of yall don't even be reading wattpad anymore but hey i'm back :)

*maybe sum light smut so read wit caution*

*Harry's POV*

After the excruciatingly long drive, we arrive at Liam's house. Neither of their cars are there, so it's easy to assume that we'd be alone. I look over at Niall, who has drooled all over himself by this time, and has gone completely still, staring blankly into nothing. I quickly tear my gaze from him, before exiting the car and jogging up to the front porch to retrieve the key hidden under the mat. I unlock the door, propping it open before going back to the car to grab Niall. He seems like such a dainty boy, but carrying 160 pounds of dead weight on my shoulders wasn't necessarily pleasant. I lay him on the fold out bed that's been left out since this morning, and try to recall what the website had said. I remember it saying something along the lines of a shower... which I was not comfortable doing. I knew I had to act fast. I made sure that Niall was still breathing, before trying to engage in conversation again,

"Niall? Love, are you alright?" I ask. It had been almost an hour since the incident took place. He mumbles something that I wasn't quite sure was English and lets out a lengthy groan before sitting up and rubbing his head. 

"What the fuck?" He asks. My heart falls to my stomach, knowing that he's finally coherent. 

"I'm so glad you're okay." I say, sitting beside him. He wipes crusted drool from his chin and wipes it on his pants. His skin is glistening from sweat and his breathing is heavy. 

"Harry, that was fucking crazy. I was so scared. I didn't think I was gonna snap out of it." He whimpers, putting his head in his hands. I pat his back gently and nod. 

"I didn't either."

"Where's Vianna? When did we come back here?"

"That twat is probably still at the football field with her greasy friends. After you passed out, I carried you to my car and drove us here."

"So... Vianna didn't care? Did anybody care?" He asks, tears forming in his eyes. It's clear that the evening events have left him petrified. I take a deep breath in and breathe it out. 

"All that matters is that you're safe, and you're never doing that again. They drugged you." I say. Niall gasps and shakes his head. 

"No. I know  Vianna. And I know that she would never do that to me. I just can't hang. You know, she used to tease me and say-"

"Niall, she told me that it wasn't weed. You had expected to smoke weed, correct? Well it wasn't. And she didn't tell you that beforehand; thus meaning she drugged you." Niall sharply breathes in, and lets out a shaky breath. 

"You made sure I was safe?" He asks. I smile at his sweet innocence before responding.

"Of course I did. I would hope someone would do that for me if I was in your shoes." He smiles before wrapping his arms around my neck for a hug. I blush before wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him back. 

"Harry?" He asks into my shoulder.


"Are you staying with me again tonight?"

"I'm not sure, Niall. I have a feeling Marissa is extremely mad at me." 

"I want you here. You make me feel safe." When the last word slipped from his lips, my heart began to flutter. I make him feel safe? I think to myself. The thought of Niall being dependent on me for safety makes me feel ways I know that I shouldn't. Protecting this sweet boy from any harm seems too good to be true. His soft, angelic voice interrupts my thoughts. 

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