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"I'll be fine, love. Just stressed is all." I explain for the 3rd time to my assistant, Allison. She sighs.

"Are you sure, Mr. Styles? It would be no trouble at all to go tell Devon that you need some time off." She says again, trying to persuade me. I shake my head before clicking on my computer, the black screen emitting a bright light.

"That's quite alright, Alice. I've got an interview for a new intern today. Pretty important." I explain. She nods.

"I guess I'll be going then, can I get you anything else before I go?" She asks. I ponder for a second.

"Water is fine. Let me know when they arrive." I tell her, before she scurries out of the room to fulfil my request. My eyes glace to watch that sits upon my wrist. It's almost 11:30. Definitely not a smart choice to be late. Sure wouldn't make a good impression. Allison reenters my office, placing a bottle of water on my desk.

"He just got in the building. He should be up here soon." She announces before dismissing herself. I cross my arms over my chest and await the boys arrival. A few minutes later, a knock jolts me from my thoughts.

"Come in." I say. The door slowly opens and a small boy enters, holding a few things to closely to his chest to prevent them from falling.

"Hi Mr. Styles." He mumbles, closing the door behind him. I gesture for him to sit down and he scrambles to the seat provided for him.

"Hello. You're almost late." I remind him, and he clears his throat.

"Oh uh, yeah. I kinda got stuck in traffic. Sorry." He says, looking down. I scoff.

"Maybe you should have planned your arrival more. I take things very seriously..." I pause, glancing down at the papers he has placed in front of me.

"Mr. Horan." I conclude. He nods frantically, coughing awkwardly.

"Now, if you don't mind introducing yourself, that would be a great start." I tell him. He nods again and takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Well, my name is Niall Horan, I'm in 12th grade, um, the reason I decided to try to be an intern here is because I don't have enough credits to graduate, and they told me if I interned here for the rest of the semester, I would be able to." He explains. I nod.

"Plus, it would be great to get out of the house for once, haha." He adds nervously. I chuckle, nodding my head.

"The thing is, Horan. If I let you be my intern, you have to take things as seriously as I do. Meaning, you have to arrive on time, you have to dress in appropriate attire, and you must keep things on a professional level with the employees. Do I make myself clear?" I ask.

"Yes, sir." He whimpers at my stern tone. I nod.

"Good. You start on Monday. I expect you to follow those rules, Mr. Horan." I say, standing up from behind my desk, and he does the same.

"I will." He mumbles. I walk him to the door before opening it for him.

"Have a good weekend, Mr. Styles." I mutters before taking my outstretched hand and shaking it.

"You too, Mr. Horan."


Oh fuck this is such shit I'm so sorry fuck but JFXKKDK thanks for reading lovely's you all are perfect and beautiful and amazing and I love

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