Chapter 29

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Juliet watched the screen of her phone intently, the jet maneuvering through the darkness of the night. A low hum of its engine was all she heard, for her three companioins were all fast asleep; Ultima curled up in her chair, Sir Aiden snoring through an open book, and Kevin propped up against the curved wall by the window.

Juliet was nestled in a blanket as well, but her anxious mind was far too restless for slumber.

Her calling log was filled with Adrian, as she had not failed to call him every day and might since his disappearance. She was worried about him, not only because of her annoying father, but also because of who the boy was in nature. Impulsive. Naive. Scared as well, although he's never admit it.

She clicked her tounge and pulled up her legs, trying not to think about the worst case scenario at the moment.

When the aircraft finally landed, Juliet was sound asleep. Her head sunk into her chest, the girl oblivious to the bustling around her. As Aiden, Kevin, and the other passengers filed out, Ultima stopped over Juliet, debating on how to wake her. Should she two her head? Maybe tickle her feet? In the end, she simply shook her by the shoulder.

The airport was unfamiliar and the sky outside was dark, Juliet realized. It definitely wasn't Pearson, because of it had been, the time wouldn't be 10:00 pm.

"Transylvannia?!" She cried out at the check in, get eyeballs shining as they stated questioningly at her group. "Why are we in Transylvannia?!"

"Can you not shout?" Ultima commented as she hauled her suitcase off the belt. Aiden and Kevin had already started walking, as if they hadn't even heard the inquiry. Ultima was aware they were doing so I'm purpose, leaving her behind to babysit the princess, and she huffed with annoyance as Juliet's high pitches voice crossed her ears again.

"But...But...I don't get it!" She whined as they fast walked across the squeaky clean airport. "I thought our mission was done! I thought we were going home!"

"Well this is obviously not out home, Juliet." Ultima retorted dryly, keeping her eyes I the two men trying so hard to escape. Those rascals.

"Yes, I know, Ultima, which is why I ask: Why. Are. We. Here?"

To keep her from making a scene, the Taurus girl spun around and fixed her with a glare. "Look, I really don't know the details, but I'm sure Sir.Aiden would rathr vevsipping his coffee inbjis office than going on vacation with us, so there must be a good reason we're here, alright?"

Shoulders stopping and teeth gritting inside her closed mouth, Juliet stated back as fiercely as she could. "I hate you all." She seethed as she walked past.

At this point, Juliet was as quiet as a snail, not even asking where they were headed in the black van that Sir.Aiden was doing the honor of driving. She was tired and drained, and really, really hating the world at the moment. So, she fumed in silence, and Ultima felt her anger in waves since she had to sit beside her.

At first, the golden lights of the clustered city were flashing on the leather seats, as they drove through the narrow roads lined by old-style, old-bricked houses and tiny town squares. But then, after a few minutes, the lights began to fade until only darkness could be seen from the backseat windows.

Uneasy by the sudden change in scenery, Juliet stopped slumping and looked ahead, the meek headlights allowing her to make out the place they were diving into. A thick forest lay ahead, the road bumpy and unstable, tall, thorny trees covered in fresh snoe towering over them like bars in a cage. The road twisted and turned, so dark and eerie that you could almost see the illuminated white faces of the ghosts that lurked within.

"Aiden, where are we going?" Ultima did the honor I asking the question pinching them all.

"Ah, you kids really shouldn't be here with me on this mission." Their ears perked up when he finally started speaking, his bronze hands gripping the wheel tightly as another bump rattled the vehicle. "There was something I was told to check...about the Scorpio Clan."

Juliet felt her heart beat quicken. The Scorpio Clan was the one that attacked their school. She could still smell the bated breath of the ugly Scorpio that had tried to bite her neck.

"What about them though?" Kevin raised the hand he was resting on the end of his window, while Aiden drew a long sigh.

"It appears that besides attacking your school, they've been up to no good. Even though they've always been a quiet clan, recently they've been a cause of terror for the local townspeople."

"A cause of terror?" Ultima repeated with a snort.

"Yep. Everyone thinks Dracula is real now."

"Yeah, I can see how they came to that conclusion." Juliet remarked as she recalled the deadly fangs those people had, and as soon as she did, the car jerked to a terrifying halt, making her and Ultima slam back into their seats.

Without another word, Aiden shrugged off his seatbelt and slipped into the hooting wilderness, Kevin and Ultima following his example as well.

Juliet watched them with wide eyes, too scared to step out with them in the dark woods, but all the more terrified to stay behind in the vacant car.

In the end, she found herself huddled behind Kevin and Ultima, Sir.Aiden squinting at something they could not yet see.

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