Chapter 5: Pepper Sprays Are Dangerous

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Brooke P.O.V

"Uhm, sure!" I signaled for him to come beside me. He'll just walk with me, I think nothing else will happen... walk, right, just walk. 

There's this awkward silence forming whilst we walked down the street heading home. It's dark, cold, and scary. I wrapped my arms around my chest because I feel safe when I do that. I always do it, it's already a habit I guess. Though, it did not seem to completely take away the fear I'm feeling right now. I continued walking whilst rubbing my hands against my arms for friction because damn, it's freezing cold.

"Brooke, Where do you live?" He said, breaking the silence that formed. Well, this is strange for a reason I don't know why.

"What?" I asked, because we just met and he's asking me where I live? 

"I said, where do you live? are you just near here or something?" Matthew repeated before giving a short laugh.

"No, I mean, I think it's dangerous to just give out personal information to strangers, right?" 

"Haha! You're to cautious. Don't worry I'm not dangerous! I'll cause you no harm." This is one of the famous lines syndicates use, right? I stopped in my tracks and froze. What if Matthew is one of them? He tried to get close and my breathing hitched. I took one step backwards. I don't know why am I panicking this much. That last part he said, 'I'll cause you no harm' I feel I'm in danger... I reached for my pocket without making any extra movements that he'll notice I'm going to get Pepper Spray.

Matt P.O.V

The walk was so silent I could hear the cricket make noises. Brooke brought her hands across her chest and rubbed her hands against her arms, it's a little bit cold out here. The street is empty and I could sense Brooke feels awkward, too, so I tried to put up a conversation.

"Brooke, Where do you live?" I guess this could be a good conversation starter. She looked up at me, her eyebrows narrowed in confusion. 

"What?" It's quiet out here, didn't she heard me? I repeated it though. 

"I said, where do you live? are you just near here or something?" I repeated before giving a short laugh. We were walking together anyway, I could just walk her till the end of the street then separate ways if I know where she lives. She seems to be nervous. 

"No, I mean, I think it's dangerous to just give out personal information to strangers, right?" Woahhh, She thinks I'm going to harm her? But how could I hurt this cute moon pie in front of me now? 

"Haha! You're to cautious. Don't worry I'm not dangerous! I'll cause you no harm." I squinted my eyes and smiled. She stopped in her tracks causing me to stop, too. I tried to take a step towards her but she backed off. I was so confused. Did I do something wrong? I reached for her hand that was still wrapped to her chest but she swatted it away. I heard something open, it sounds plastic. I went behind her to see what she opened.

"What is tha-" I was cut by her spraying something right into my face! I gasp as the spray hits my airwaves. It just went from my nose dripping to my neck. A bit of them went in my eyes. It stings my skin so bad.I felt instant inflammation in my throat and nose. "AAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!" I screamed in pain. The lining of my throat swells—not enough to stop you from breathing, but just enough to make it tough to get my fill of air. "What-what is *cough* this *cough*" I said in between Coughs. 

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I panicked! I got so scared because of the streets and its dark and creepy and it's so silent and the way you said the last part of what you recently said got into me and I thought you were a syndicate so I pulled out my pepper spray and I did not really mean to hurt you I'm so sorry Matthew! Oh my god, I'm so so sorry!" She said so fast that I barely understood it. I dropped to my knees, banging on my chest because of the shortness of breath. Ugh, I can't believe she thinks I'm a syndicate! I wanted to explain to her but I kept on gagging.  I feel like my throat is paralyzed making it difficult for me to speak. But even if it's hard, I tried to.

"Hennnnnnnn call th-the hennnn amb-bulaheennnnnce *cough* ambulance hennnnn" I said inbetween breaths. I lied to the floor and kept on rolling to the ground because my body kept on twitching. I tried to touch my face and it was red! Oh my god blood! "Heennnnnnn Wa-watheeeeeeennnner w-water hennnn" 

"Okay I already called the ambulance they're on their way now, I'm going to ask for water okay? Just stay there, I'll be back!" I continued rolling on the floor, on the sidewalk to be specific, twitching, banging on my chest and trying to catch my breath. Brooke ran to somewhere. I raised my hand up trying to reach for something. I really wasn't sure why I did that. All I see now is Brooke running away from me, I was trying to reach for her. She was running until I completely lost sight of her. I feel my eyes flooding with tears. Maybe it's also an effect of the pepper spray sprayed on my face. It felt like the world turned into a source of pain. My eyes felt hot. "Sh-shit" A few seconds later, I blacked out.

Brooke P.O.V

I was really out of my mind when I did that! Shit! I feel like I'm the most stupid person in this damn world. Why do I have to be so paranoid over things? I should've just trusted Matthew. But what's wrong with being careful anyway? But I should have just- ugh. Instead of thinking of who should be responsible to take the blame, I searched for water because I heard from someone before, that water can help the burning feeling caused by the fucking pepper spray subside. Thank god, 7-11 is 24/7 open. I have realized that 7-11 is a gift from God. I ran to the store, purchased a liter of cold, mineral bottled-water and ran to the place where I left Matthew. I'm running so fast I almost tripped in the middle of the street. Now, I see him lying on the sidewalk, right where I left him. From a distance, I could hear and see the sirens from the ambulance. They are near. I hurried to Mathew with the bottled-water in my hand.

"Matthew! I have the water. The ambulance is near, you'll be safe, okay?" I said but got no responses. Noooo! He's unconscious as of the moment. I tapped his cheeks to make sure. I also checked his pulse. He's okay, he's alive. I pulled my handkerchief out of my pocket and pour some of the water I bought to it. I made sure it was dripping wet before washing his face. I did not rub it or put any friction or too much force because it might make the burning worse. After cleaning his pepper sprayed-face, I threw my handkerchief somewhere and poured the cold water from the bottle to his red face. Finally the ambulance is here. I heard the stretchers sounds and car doors being opened. I stood up letting the nurses carry him to the stretcher. "Pepper spray? really? You called us for this?" I heard one of the nurses say. "I'm sorry, I really just don't know what to do. He also passed out already."  They shoved the stretcher inside the ambulance and I hopped into it. I laced my fingers to his and it moved a bit."Stay here, don't leave me." said Matt. It was muffled but I understood. I held onto it tight and said, "I hope you'll get fine. Sorry."

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