Boyfriends does other things as well

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Louis woke up feeling absolutely content. He was warm and wrapped in two strong arms. Harry was pressed against his back with his face nuzzled in the back of his neck. Wow. This was nice and comfortable. Louis laid still and embraced the moment. Harry started to stir behind him and nuzzled in closer.
"Morning Lou. Sorry, I'm a cuddler." Harry's raspy morning voice mumbled.

"I don't mind." Louis answered and Harry didn't move away.

They laid like that until the alarm went off and Harry sighed and rolled to his back. Louis missed his arms around him but turned to face his fake boyfriend.
"Morning Hazza."

Harry opened his eyes.
"Slept well?"

"Yep. Your bed's comfy. You?" Louis responded.

"Really good." Harry yawned and stretched his arms. "Wish I could just stay here the whole day but I guess we need to get ready for school."

The rest of the week went by fast. They were both busy in school but they ended up sharing a bed every night and Louis always woke up wrapped in Harry's arms. Harry's body radiated heat so Louis had started to sleep in just his boxers as well which made the sleeping arrangement more intimate. But Louis didn't mind. He didn't mind at all and Harry didn't seem to mind either.

It was finally Friday and the boys had convinced Harry and Louis to go to a frathouse party again. Not that they knew that was where they had first met anyhow.

Louis spent a long time getting ready. He wanted to look good. When Harry knocked at the door Louis smiled widely and hurried to open it.

Harry let out a whistle.
"Looking good Boo. Ready?"

Louis grinned at him.
"You don't look so bad yourself. Yeah, let's go."

Louis spent the first couple of hours of the evening drinking and laughing with the lads. He had a really good time, feeling relaxed and happy and yes, a bit intoxicated as well. He excused himself to find the bathroom to take a piss. On his way back he bumped into Dylan. Great. Just fucking great.
"Hey, babe." Dylan cooed and took a hold of Louis' arm.

"Let go." Louis growled and tried to get away from Dylan's firm grip.

Dylan smirked and pressed a little harder before he released Louis' arm. Louis pushed away from him and started to walk back to the living room and Harry. Dylan followed him closely. Louis felt relieved when he finally spotted his fake boyfriend and ran up to him and threw himself in Harry's arms. Harry hugged him close.
"Oh look at the lovely couple. I might puke." Dylan worded sarcastically.

Harry frowned at the sight of Dylan but leaned in to whisper in Louis' ear.
"Come on, let's dance and give him a show."

Louis smirked and let Harry lead him to the dance area. Harry pulled Louis back against his chest and wrapped his arms around him, caressing Louis' chest and stomach. Louis started to grind his ass against Harry's crotch and Harry drew in a heated breath. He pressed kisses along Louis' neck and Louis tilted his head to the side to grant him better access. Harry used his lips and teeth to nibble on Louis' skin and then he proceeded to make a lovebite. Louis threw his head back on Harry's shoulder and let out a moan. His arm came up to tug Harry's hair and Harry growled and pressed his crotch against Louis' bum. He was hard.

They had both forgotten about Dylan and why they supposedly were doing this. Harry spun Louis around and crashed their lips together. They kissed hungrily and Louis ground their crotches together. Harry moaned and pressed their bodies even closer together.

When they finally broke free from the kiss they were both panting hard and stared into each other's eyes with lust-blown pupils.
"Shit!" Harry breathed.

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